Chapter 2:His first day

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DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental The cold breeze from the opened window made Lisa shiver. Her beautiful dark hair was blown by the breeze. When Fernand noticed his sister's action. He immediately took a blanket from his baggage and rushed to his sister. Lisa just smiled as he put the blanket on her. “Are you cold? Do you still need another blanket?” Fernand asked. Lisa shook her head and smiled at him, “ I’m fine. Go on and take some rest,” “But-,” Fernand didn’t have a chance to finish his words when Lisa pushed him. “Come on, it’s already 10, you're probably tired.” Fernand frowned and took a deep sigh as he turned around . He walks towards the couch and taps it a little bit to make it even. He put his bag as a pillow and lied down. The silence was all over the room, Fernand felt something aching from the inside of his body. “Ate, will you leave me?” Fernand’s sudden question makes Lisa’s face turn pale. It was unexpected to hear those words from her brother who doesn’t have any idea what her real job is. with no response from her sister, Fernand continued, “If you will, let me know. After all, we're siblings.” A warm liquid flows down to Lisa’s Cheeks. She felt her heart crushes as she knew that she’ll soon betray her brother. She covers her mouth and sob in silence. “Ate, Goodnight and take care,” The last words Fernand said before she closed his eyes to sleep. Lisa tried not to make any noise that might bother her brother. She closed her eyes and reminisced the moments she had with him. She didn't have any idea what would happen to her after she got to Cebu. Will his brother be okay or will she be reunited again with her brother again after?. There's a lot of things in her head but she chooses to clear it all and trust Mr. Calixtro words. The night’s getting deeper and when Lisa feels that her brother’s in deep sleep, she slowly gets up from the bed and changes her clothes. She took all her necessary things that she’ll need and the envelope given by Mr. Calixtro.She also left a letter on her bed for Fernand. Just after she made sure everything was set, she looked at her brother sleeping like curled pasta on the couch. His saliva was all around his bag yet his long lashes shines as the moonlight reflects into it. Lisa tried not to hug him nor to come closer to him. She’s afraid of changing her plan after she feels the warmth of her brother. With tears falling out from her eyes she turned around and left. “Goodbye and take care, bunso (youngest brother/sister)” She whispered Lisa closed the door and rushed to the Hospital’s back door. Two men wearing casual shirts waited for her there, standing next to a car. She dried her tears as she recognized Mr. Calixtro’s men. As she expected, a tall fair-man wearing a black shirt and pants comes out from a car. “Sir?” she asked. Mr. Calixtro looked at her and said, “Take care.” Lisa just smiled and went straight to the man. “Please take care of my brother, sir” Mr. Calixtrto nodded and escorted Lisa to the car. “I will.” he said and closed the car’s door Lisa let out a deep sight. “Let’s go,” she said to the driver. Mr . Calixtro’s eye follows the car until it disappears from his sight. He almost lost another servant but it won’t happen again. He got his phone and dialed a number. *Rings* a toneless voice answered the phone. “Hello?” “Ticman?” Mr. Calixtro asks for confirmation. “Yes, sir” the voice answered, “Gather all the gangs, let me teach them a lesson.” Mr. Calixtro said and hung up the phone. He put back his phone to his pocket and entered the hospital to fetch someone. Meanwhile, Fernand in the hospital room felt his back ache as he tried to get up. He was awakened by the sudden blow of wind. He looked around and found out that his sister already left him. He doesn’t feel hurt nor angry towards his sister since he knows that she will be leaving him but he didn’t expect that it will be sooner than he expected. He fixed the couch and tidied up the place. When he’s about to fix Lisa’s bed, he finds a letter addressed to him. He opened the letter but before he read it the door opened. He immediately put the letter in his pocket and turned around. It was Mr.Calixtro who opened the door. Fernand can’t help but to raise his eyebrows at him. Seriously? Does he know how to knock?. Mr. Calixtro seems unbothered with Fernands reaction, he goes straight to the couch and sits like a king who’s ready to be served. “I bet you missed your sister,” Mr. Calixtro said and crossed his leg Fernand turned around and looked at Mr.Calixtro. “Ofcourse, she’s the only family I have but you sent her somewhere far away.” Mr. Calixtro smirked and said,“It’s her job,” “Her job?” “Yah. Job.” Mr. Calixtro smiled. Fernand rolled his eyes and continued to fix his sister’s bed. After he finish fixing the bed, he get his bag and about to leave the Mr. Calixtro. He opened the door and was ready to leave when a soft fluffy thing hit his head. He turned around in fury. “WHAT THE H IS YOUR PROBLEM?!!” he shouted Mr Calixtro shrugged and said, “ Where ya going?” “Leaving,maybe? Cause I can’t stay here.” Fernand said with irritation. Mr. Calixtro said with confidence, “You can if you want to,” Fernand looked at him unbelievably and whispered, “Crazy.” Mr. Calixtro chuckled and got up from his seat. He walks straight to Fernand and smiles. He leaned forward to him, Their eyes met each other. Although Fernand frowned, Calixtro continued to lean forward and whispered, “Crazy… in love with you.” *winked.* Fernands blood goes up to his face, not because he likes it but because of annoyance. He pushes Mr.Calixtro away and punches him hard in his face. Mr. Calixtro groaned in pain as he fell down on the floor. “Seriously?! WTH is wrong with you.” Fernand asked. Mr. Calixtro snicker while putting his hand up, “chill babe,” He looked at Fernand and smirked. Fernand gritted his teeth trying to contain his anger. “Did you forget about what we talked about a while ago?” Mr. Calixtro asked. Fernand's eyebrows raised, “ a while ago?” “Yup, a while ago before your sister left you,” Fernand look at Mr.Calixtro, His eyes widened as he remembered their conversation. The sun almost set when Fernand came back from buying his sister’s soup, he was relieved that her sister didn't have any serious injuries. He was about to open the door of his sister’s room when he noticed Mr.Calixtro talking to his phone. He looked at him and was amazed at how this man looks so young yet matured for his age. damn , he’s hot.he said in his mind, when he realized that he’s looking at him for a long time he shakes his head and is ready to enter the room. “Hey,” a manly rough voice caught Fernand’s attention, it was Mr.Calixtro. He looked around and pointed to himself “Me?” Mr. Calixtro smiled and said, “yup, Come here.” Fernand was clueless but he went left the door and went to Mr. Calixtro. “Why?” he asked. “I need you to replace your sister,” Mr.Calixtro said without hesitation. A straight answer from Mr. Calixtro baffled Fernand, “Me? Replace my sister? Lisa?” “Yes,” Fernand looked at Mr.Calixtro with confusion, “why?” “She’ll leave.” Fernand’s eyes widened out of shock“Leave? Why?” “She has a job to do,” Mr.Calixtro said and got his phone from his pocket. “Why didn't she tell me?” Fernand asked. Mr.Calixtro looked at Fernand, “you do really have a lot of questions, don’t worry your sister and I already talked about this.” “Where will you-” “Fernand right?” Mr. Calixtro stops him. Fernand nodded. Mr Calistro continued, “Don’t ask too much, you'll know soon. But for the meantime you need to replace your sister and serve me,” Mr. Calixtro smiled and pats Fernand shoulder, before he leave he looked to his eyes and said, “You need to serve me after your sister left,” he smiled and walks away while waving his hands, “Have a great day,” Fernand was stunned for a moment, he tried to absorb every inch of words that Mr.Calixtro just said.he looked around to see if he can still see Mr. Calixtro and ask him more but he’s too late, the man he was looking for disappeared in the air. He released a deep sight. “You’ve remembered, haven't you?” Mr Calixtro ask Fernand rolled his eyes once again, He forgot that he needs to take all his sisters responsibility as she left. Ate, you really put me in trouble. He thought and went to Mr. Calixtro to help him stand up. He offered his hand and Mr.Calixtro took it. “Thanks,” Mr. Calixtro said and fixed his shirt. He raised his eyebrows when he felt that Fernand was looking at him. “What?” “Nothing.” Fernand replied. Mr. Calixtro can feel that Fernand wants to ask something, “do you want to ask if you’ll be starting today?” Fernand shook his head, “no, actually I want to ask why would my sister leave me to you? I can come with her.” “I told you, you’ll know soon but not now.” Fernand shrugged his shoulder, “okay,” He stop asking him about her sister, he knew that whatever he do Mr. Calixtro won’t say a thing. The two stand quietly waiting for the other one to speak up. “Mr.Cal-” Fernand didn’t finish his words when Mr. Calixtro’s phone suddenly rings. “Give me a minute.” Mr.Calixtro walks out of the room and takes his call. Fernand takes a deep sight and follows Mr. Calixtro outside. He looked around but he couldn't see Mr.Calixtro. Where's that bastard?. After waiting for about three minutes he decided to walk down to the hospital’s front gate. Hoping to see Mr.Calixtro. When he reached the gate, a Bugatti Divo was parked in front of it. A man with a black shirt and pants is standing next to the car. Fernand walked towards the car with a creased forehead. “ Hop in,” Mr. Calixtro ordered and opened the passenger’s seat. “Wait, did you wait here?” Fernand ask “Yes,” “You wait here without telling me to that you’ll wai-” “You do talk a lot, just hop in,” Mr. Calixtro said and pushed him inside the car. Fernand fixes his clothes and seat then wears the seatbelt with an annoying face. When Mr. Calixtro enters the car, he immediately starts it and drives. All along Fernand keeps silent. He still has a lot of questions like why did Mr.Calixtro just disappear and then wait for him at the front gate without telling him, but keeps it to himself since his questions are not that important. It’s been an hour since they left the hospital, Fernand realized that he didn’t pay the bills. Geez, maybe Mr.Calixto already paid for it. He thought. But not so long when his phone vibrated, it was the hospital. “Uhm, yes. I’ll pay, I– Hey!” He didn't finish his words again when he grabbed his phone from him. “Hello, yes, This is Jamie Calixtro, yes, “ Mr.Calixtro looks at him and looks back to the drive way again. “Here, It’s already paid.” Mr. Calixtro said and gave the phone to Fernand. “Thanks.” The car was filled with silence, Fernand was starting to feel sleepy, he closed his eyes and tried to get some sleep. He didn’t expect that when he opened his eyes a huge castle-like house would be his first sight. He looked at his left side and found out that there’s no person except him inside the car, he looked at his watch and he was shook to realise that it’s already 3 am in the morning. He removed the seatbelt and came out from the car. He looked around and his heart almost jump when, Mr. Calixtro suddenly appeared beside him. “So, you’re awake?” Mr. Calixtro asked. Fernand cleared his throat and answered, “Yup.” “Come,” Mr.Calixtro led Fernand to the house door and when he opened the door five maids gathered and bowed to them. Fernand’s jaw almost fell as he looked around. It has a spacious entrance hall that has chandeliers and golden vases. There’s also some paintings that are attached on the wall. What’s more interesting is that the floor has no scratches or any sign of dirt. “Mr.Calixtro you lived here alone?” Fernand asked. “mentally , Yes. Physically No” Mr. Calixtro Replied. A young beautiful woman with a slender figure and dark skin color, walks towards them and greeted Mr. Calixtro. Her voice is almost like an angel's song but her eyes glared like a lioness. “Good Morning sir,” The woman greeted. “Melisa, bring Fernand to Lisa’s room and give him my schedule.” “ Will do, sir.” Melisa replied “And also, please tour this guy around. Make him familiar in every corner of the house.” “I will sir,” Melisa looked at Fernand and said, “this way please,” Fernand follow Melisa and leave Mr. Calixtro at the entrance hall.He was tour around the house, from the basement to kitchen to rooms and attic. But when they reached the hallway of rooms Melisa stopped in a room. “Fernand right?” Melisa asked. “Yes,” “Here’s Lisa’s room. No one dares to enter, so you can be relieved that no things are lost.” “Thank you,” he said. Fernand felt a little tired but Melisa reminded him that he can’t rest until he becomes familiar with the house. Melisa also gave him a map for him to remember the rooms and such easily. After two hours the house tour was finished, he’s also a bit familiar with the house and the twenty-one house staff. When Melisa finished explaining Mr.Calixto's schedule she let him get some rest. Fernand enters his sister’s room. He was shocked to see that the room is half empty, considering that his sister lived here for almost 9 years , this room looks like she lived here for only two months. He’s about to lie down in the bed when someone enters the room. It was Mr.Calixtro, he’s wearing a blue shirt and grey shorts. “What?” Fernand aked with annoyance in his face. “Nothing,” Mr. Calixtro said and left the room. What a psycho. Fernand thought and shook his head. He turned to the bed and lied down. As he closed his eyes he realized that he was pulled to be in this house, familiarised himself in this house and even got the schedule of his sister’s boss without any approval from him. But before he knew he fell asleep. A light wakes Fernand up, he opens his eyes and finds himself in an unfamiliar room. He got up and looked around. He soon remembers that he was in Mr.Calixto's house. He stood up and fixed his bed. He would have changed his clothes when he found out that he had no clothes with him. He left his room and went to the kitchen. It took him thirty minutes to reach the kitchen since he lost his direction. Some staff greeted him but some were busy cleaning. He looked at the wall clock and it’s already 8:20 in the morning. “Where should I go to eat?” he said with his grumbling stomach. He opened the fridge but he saw nothing but cold water. The disappointment makes him more hungry. He closed the fridge and decided to leave the mansion to buy something to eat but he almost got a heart attack when someone from his back patted his shoulder. “You’re late” Mr. Calixtro from behind said and smirked. “Can you give a sign if you’re here, you pop up like a balloon.” Fernand said. “You should wake up early, you’re lucky it’s monday i don’t have a–” “Wait, it's m-monday?” Fernand interrupts Mr.Calixtro. Mr.Calixtro nods with confusion. “sh*t i have morning class!” Fernand suddenly rushed back to his room. He gathered his things but he doesn’t have his school supplies with him and much worse, he has no clothes to change with. He was panicking but remembered that he had their condo’s key, he got all his things and was about to leave his room when he felt something thrown into him. With a furious face he turned around. Once again, Mr.Calixtro didn’t knock. Fernand asked him in fury, “What now?” “You need to work your temper out, kid,” Mr.Calixtro said. Fernand frowned and looked at the thing Mr.Calixtro threw. It was a school uniform and a bag. He opened the bag, and to his surprise it had school supplies like notebooks and pens. He glanced at Mr.Calixtro . “I don’t know what you need but i know it can help you,” Mr. Calixtro said and left the room. Confused, Fernand shook his head, “how does he know that I study at TUP ? Crazy.” He went to the bathroom and took his bath. After he changed his clothes he took the bag given to him and ran downstairs. When she reached the gate, he took a deep breath and booked a taxi from his phone. “WTH? Forty minutes before it arrives? Dang,” He complained. Fernand looked at his watch, It's already 10:20 am. He already missed two of his subjects. I’m already late, what's the point of panicking?. He said while trying to cheer himself. Ten minutes have passed and his legs are starting to feel numb. Suddenly, a Bugatti Divo parked in front of him. The car window slowly opened revealing a handsome man. “Hop in,”
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