
1291 Words
Chapter 5 Ariel POV "Were you brought here to show us your body?" Travis asked, and that was when the realization dawned on me that I was wearing just a towel. Gosh! These guys would eventually send me to my early grave, no doubt about that. "That doesn't matter, ok? You can't leave the house, and if you must leave, then I would have to come with you," I replied to them, and Trevor scoffed as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Let me get this straight, please... You are not our bodyguard, I hope you know that, huh?" He scoffed, and I sighed briefly, as I held the towel tightly around my chest, scared of it falling off anytime soon. "I...I...I know... But this is what your mom wants, ok?" I stuttered, and Travis sighed as he crashed against the car. "Give that back to me, Ariel. I don't want to unleash the demon in me," Trevor threatened me when I snatched the car keys from him, but I stepped away from him. I can't deny the fact that I was really nervous, or scared rather, but there was no way I was ever going to show them that. I mean, I can't do that. "If you want to go out, you should wait for me to get dressed, or better still, get inside the house and do something else," I snapped at them before I turned and walked back into the house, heading upstairs to my room. I was expecting them to run after me and maybe scold me, which scared the daylight out of me, but I was shocked when I got into my room and there was no sign of them coming after me. I released the deep breath I'd been holding unknowingly once I stepped into my room and slumped on the bed. "That was close," I mutter as I stared up at the ceiling. My body was shaking nervously, but I tried to calm myself and think straight. The sudden bang on my door snapped me out of my train of thought, and I quickly sat up on the bed as my heart missed a beat. "What... what's that?" I asked myself as I stared at the closed door which would've been burst open by whoever was outside, but thanks to the fact that I locked it when I came inside. I stood up to my feet as the banging sound continued. I couldn't stop myself from pacing in the room as I was torn between opening the door and facing whoever was at the door, or just locking myself in there and not going out. "Open this door and give me my damn car keys, Ariel!" That was Trevor's voice which I would always recognize even in my deep sleep, and my heart sank into my stomach. "Do you want me to break into the room? You won't like what I will do to you if I come in there," He yelled again from outside, and I was even more scared now. As much as I wanted to ignore him, the thought of him breaking in here wouldn't stop me from panicking and thinking of what he would do to me made me even more scared. "Are you in there, Ariel? You are not planning to ignore me, are you?" He banged the door again, and I gulped down the sudden lump that formed in my throat. I sauntered to my closet where I got some clothes from and wore them before I advanced toward the door, and just when I wanted to unlock it, I heard Travis' voice from outside. "Just give up already... She's not going to open the door," I heard his thick footsteps past my room, and I guess he was going to his room. I felt a bit relieved. "Ugh! That witch!" I heard Trevor curse before his receding footsteps echoed in the hallway, followed by the sound of the door slamming close, which only meant that he already went to his room. "Ah! That was close!" I muttered as I dragged myself toward the bed and slumped on it, releasing a deep breath. "You should just give up trying, Ariel. You can't do this... You can't babysit these grown men," I muttered as I lay on the bed and stared up at the ceiling, many thoughts came flooding my mind. Maybe running away from here would've been the perfect solution, but what about Amy and her dream? Who will sponsor her education if I leave here? Who will give her money for upkeep? And how the hell would I get another job to sustain myself again? Those were the things that were stopping me from running away from here, knowing I could never get the amount of money Mrs. Bradford offered me, no matter the work I get later. How time flies, it was already 7pm, and after hours of being inside my room, I felt my stomach grumble, and I knew that I had to go out now even if it was something I avoided all day. I was going to suffer for the rest of the night if I didn't go to the dining room to have dinner. Ulcer was surely going to tell on me if I dared to skip a meal this night. Gathering all my courage together, I took a deep breath and headed to the door before I strode out of my room. I met the twins sitting in the dining room and having dinner by the time I arrived downstairs, and I gulped down nothing nervously as I counted steps toward the kitchen, walking past them. My heart thumped heavily against my chest as I walked into the kitchen, praying silently that they don't end up telling me to go to bed without having dinner. That would be like sentencing me to death. I met Ma'am Nancy in the kitchen when I walked in. Ma'am Nancy is a middle-aged woman and their cook. I wonder why she wasn't made their nanny instead. Gosh! The people here are all unbelievable. "I was about to come and call you for dinner. Why did you not come downstairs all day? Are you by chance, scared of them?" She asked, whispering the last part, and I smiled at her. "It's fine to be scared of them. I have been with them for years, and I bet they are not that bad. You should just be strict with them, and also friendly. Soon, you will find yourselves getting along with each other," She further uttered, and I nodded my head. I think I might need her to help with this s**t I'm doing now. I can't do this alone. "If you need any help, I'll be here to render it to you," She said as if she read my mind, and I nodded my head. "Thank you," I smiled at her. She finally served my food before I left the kitchen. "Fix my bed before you eat. I want to sleep," Trevor uttered just when I wanted to walk past them. "Huh? Bed? Are you kidding me?" I narrowed my eyes as I turned to look at him. "And mine too. Don't waste too much time... I want to sleep," Travis added, and I couldn't help the scoff that tore through my throat. "I'm not your maid, ok? I am your nan..." "Just cut that crap and get to work immediately!" Trevor suddenly slammed his hands on the desk as he sprang up to his feet, and I flinched, causing the tray of food to slip from my hands as everything emptied on the floor. Jeez! Am I going to bed with an empty stomach?
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