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Amber and Stella got out of the truck as the valet came over to take the keys from Amber. "Look at this line," Amber says with a sigh. "We're going to spend half the night waiting to get in," Stella complained. As they walked towards the line, a voice boomed out at them. "You two, come on!" Adam yelled, looking at the two gorgeous ladies walking towards the line. Damn, these two are F.I.N.E. fine. He thought to himself. Stella looked towards the doorman and pointed between Amber and herself. The guy nodded and Stella grabbed Amber's hand and sauntered to the door. "Hey! Why do they get to go in. We've been waiting over an hour," Kira shouted. "I was told to let the hottest chicks in tonight." "Oh! Burn," Amber snickered. Stella chuckled as her and Amber passed the doorman. "Thanks big guy," Amber said, running her hand down his chest and giving him a flirtatious wink. "Anytime love." Stella smiled at him. He smiled back and gave her a wink. The club was hopping. Colorful strobe lights were everywhere, the main lighting was dimmed just right, you could see people, but it wasn't glaring. The dance floor was packed, so was the bar. The upper levels Stella could see also had a lot of bodies roaming and watching. The music was loud and hypnotic, the beats running through her body. She and Amber went straight to the dance floor. The music grabbed both of them. Their bodies swayed, hips gyrated, feet moved. Stella's arms were in the air when a hand landed on her hip. She spun around. A big burly man with a long brown beard and a bald head smiled at her, his green eyes sparkling, and he started dancing. He had the smell of whiskey on his breath, but it wasn't unpleasant. He was attractive and she smiled back at him. "Hey pretty lady. Do you mind if I dance with you?" He asked shyly. Stella nodded and put her hands on his shoulders as they moved and swayed to the beat of the music. She had a good time dancing with him. They danced two songs before he thanked her. "Thanks for not making me look like a fool in front of my friends," he whispered in her ear. She looked over his shoulder and saw a table full of guys slamming shots and looking at them whispering to each other. She smirked. "You're the shy one, aren't you? Did they egg you on, make some bet to see if I danced with you?" "Yeah, some bet I wouldn't approach you. Two guys said you would turn me down. I said, I would approach you and you'd say yes. I have a hundred bucks from each of them coming my way." "Well, let's give them something to talk about." She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. His table hooted, and he blushed to the tips of his ears. She thought he was adorable. "Thanks darlin." he smirked and strutted back to his group. A little while later, Amber and her found a table and ordered some drinks. "This is the most fun! That guy you were dancing with seemed nice." "Yeah, his buddies dared him to ask me to dance. Apparently, he's the shy one. They're an MC from Utah. They are on a toy run for a fundraiser for orphaned kids." "Really. God, I miss those. Remember our last one? Dad got us those All American dolls and we both didn't have the heart to tell him they just weren't for us, and we asked for him to give them to children in need." Amber said. "Yeah, he was so proud of us, I just couldn't tell him we hated them," Stella laughed. Amber giggled and then her heart stopped. "Stella, look at that blonde guy, he's so dreamy." Stella saw the guy at the bar. Tall, she thought, and muscular with blonde wavy hair. She couldn't see his full face, but his profile looked hot. He was wearing a red V-neck silk short sleeve shirt that molded to his frame, his biceps had lovely tattoos. He was buff and he had a nice ass. "That ass Amber." "I know, I'd love to lick it. Stella watched as the guy turned smiling. Did he hear us? She thought. There was no way the music was too loud. ********************************************* Max walked to the bar for a different scene, then the VIP. He just noticed Anna and her group stepping into the club. He smirked, they looked pissed. "That ass Amber." "I know, I'd love to lick it." Max chuckled. He wondered who these girls were talking about, and turned to look to see where they were looking. He froze. They were looking at him, and the blonde was gorgeous. He took a deep breath, strawberries, with a hint of lemon. His favorite. Their eyes locked. "Mate!" Marcus stirred. "No way!" Max said excitedly. He could feel his wolf start to purr. "Yes Way! "Are you fuc&ing purring?" "Go get mate!" "Chill Marcus she's human." "I don't care!" "Me either but we have to play it cool, we don't want to scare her." "Yeah cool, play it cool. But hurry, I want mate! Amber inhaled loudly and exhaled just as loud. "What's wrong? Do you know him?" Stella asked. "No. But I want to really badly. Something is calling me to go to him. I need to go talk to him." "Well, he's staring at you like a fat kid stares at cake. Go over there." "Will you be okay?" "Of course. Go." Stella watched Amber walk over to the blonde hunk. For ten minutes she watched as they stared at each other and swayed to the music like they were dancing to slow song after slow song. They would murmur to each other, but she couldn't hear. She hoped this guy worked out for her friend. She deserved to be happy. All of a sudden, Amber and the guy were all over each other making out like their lives depended on it. Stella chuckled. Go Amber! She heard a shriek and watched a somewhat familiar blonde rush over to Amber and the hunk. She pushed her way between them, and she was yelling at the hunk, then she turned and pushed Amber. Amber hauled back and punched her in the face. The girl shrieked and grabbed her nose. Out of nowhere, the girl Stella helped at Hot Stuff hurled herself at Amber. "Oh, hell no!" Stella bellowed. She ran over and pulled the girl off of Amber. She punched the girl, then Sparta kicked her and she went flying. The blonde girl jumped on her, Stella grabbed her head and flipped her over her shoulder and slammed her on the floor. Then she leaned down and punched her in the chest. She turned and saw Amber in her hunk's arms. "Get her out front," Stella yelled. He nodded and headed towards the door. She turned back to the blonde and saw she was knocked out. She then turned to the other girl. The girl stood there growling. "Bring it on b!tch!" Stella sneered. She watched as the girl ran toward her. She braced for the impact, but an arm came out of nowhere and snatched the girl up. Stella looked over as the hellcat screeched and tried to get at her. Her eyes collided with the most beautiful man she had ever seen. He was tall and so muscular with black hair, icy blue eyes, and a full kissable mouth. She watched as that mouth said a word, but she didn't hear it. She nodded to him and then headed for the door. She heard a bellowed "Wait!" but she didn't stop. She ran outside and saw Amber and the blonde hunk making out in front of Raf's truck. "Seriously, you two!" She yelled and they broke apart. "Stella, this is Max," Amber said breathlessly. "Great, hi Max. Amber, we need to get out of here. Raf will not be happy if he really has to bail us out of jail." "Who's Raf," Max growled. "My dad," Amber stated. "Hey, b!tch!" Amber and Stella's heads snapped to the club. Four women were running their way. "We have to go!" Stella stated. "Amber, I need your number," Max said. "No time!" Stella shouted. Amber and Stella got into the truck. Stella thanked the lord that the keys were in the ignition. "Look up Raf's Garage," Amber shouted out the window as the truck sped off. Stella looked in the rearview mirror and saw the guy that was in the club standing next to Max, surrounded by the girls that looked to be yelling at them. Man was he yummy. A shiver ran through her body. Maybe Amber could get the info on the hottie next to her hottie.
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