The Power Awakens
Ok ok ok.. here me out! Today was not at all what I.. uh.. maybe any of us imagined.
It all started at our local mall in good ole Forest Grove. I was working at the register in the clothes store in the mall. Oh I’m Isabella by the way.
Anyways it was a relatively slow day. Only a couple people in the store. Now for what led us in such a predicament. Bare with me here. You’ll meet us all soon. So Blair and Gemma were walking around catching up. I mean it’s summer after all.
Gemma had seen Kai and Noah in the store and told Blair. Blair looked at her worried and said “Either they are getting into trouble or are going to start fighting”
A few aisles over Kai and Noah were arguing loud enough we all heard. Kai began punching Noah and Gemma Blair and I rushed to see what all the yelling was about. When we got there we saw them fighting. What we didn’t know is Noah slipped a watch into Kai’s pocket. And because of all the ruckus, the malls security came in and we all ended up at the police station.
Although we didn’t find out about the watch until we walked past the store alarm. We ended up getting 2 months community service. Why us girls got in trouble, you may ask? Well we must’ve looked like accomplices.
We got assigned to a lady in the local retirement home as they didn’t need anymore people cleaning up trash around the neighborhood.
When we got to the retirement home we were greeted by this women who looked nothing like who we expected. She had long wavy lavender hair with the most beautiful vibrant purple eyes. She had a pink glittery jacket which made her eyes sparkle. She looked at us and said “So your the group of kids here to help little ole me? Haha well! What are you waiting for? Come come, I’ve got something you could help me with. Wasn’t there supposed to be 5 of you?”
Gemma replied “uh, yeah well, Noah isn’t exactly a rule follower”
Blair laughed “well either is Kai and he made it”
I felt Kai’s eyes looking at me as she said that.
“Well, no going back now. My name is Evelyn” the old lady said
I said “hi I’m Isabella”
“I’m Blair and this is Gemma” Blair said
“So then you must be Kai” Evelyn said
“So I need help sorting through my family’s mansion. The place has been vacant for years so I want you to clean it up.” Said Evelyn
So we did just that. We went right to the mansion. Gemma and Blair got there first. Noah came right after and I’ve just gotten here and I saw Kai just standing there.
I walked up and said how have you been Kai? It’s been years.
Kai looked at me and hugged me.
I giggled
Kai told me he’s been doing good but I know when he’s lying and right now he’s lying to me.
I looked him in the eyes and told him I knew when he was lying.
He didn’t say a word. Just looked at me. We stayed like that for what felt like hours but were soon interrupted when Gemma came running up to us and said Omgosh we found something!
Kai and I looked at each other and ran after her. We followed her to a room that looked like a cave. It looked old. There were stone walls. A light in the ceiling that glistened on a stone rock with what looked like some type of writing on it. Possibly in another language. The floor was also stone but were covered in moss. The most captivating part of the room was this stunning sphere. It was glowing. A stunning color of purple that radiates such a unique feeling of energy. There was this weird feeling inside me. Like this orb was drawing me in. I felt like I was under a form of compulsion as I began hearing a voice calling me. It was such a soft voice that sounded like a muffled echo “Isabella” it called. I was in a trance. “Destiny” the voice whispered. As I slowly began walking towards this glowing orb I faintly heard someone yelling stop, don’t go near it! You don’t know what it is. I didn’t listen. Each step I took pulled me in more and more and I felt more compelled to this orb with every step
As I took my last step I reached my arm out to touch the orb and there was a energy blast and that was the last thing I remember before we woke up on the cold hard stone floor.
“Ugh, what happened” Noah exclaimed
“Ow, my head is throbbing” said Gemma in a groggy tone
“The orb, it was glowing and”
“It knocked us out” Blair interrupted Isabella
“What time is it?” Kai asked
None of us were quite sure of anything at this moment. We could barely understand what just happened. One minute we were looking at that orb and the next we are passed out on the cold hard ground.
“I-Isabella” Kai asked
“Yeah” Isabella responded.
Why did you touch the orb? He asked
I don’t know. I answered
I guess I felt… drawn to it. Like I needed to touch it. Like I was meant to find it. I don’t know this is weird. We should get out of here and figure out what time it is.
Noah sarcastically responded “yeah, haha. Wouldn’t wanna get in trouble.
Kai responded in a sarcastic annoyed tone
“Yeah, Like you’d get in trouble! I’m surprised you got community service! Thought maybe your mommy and daddy would buy your way out of trouble but looks like your in as much trouble as the rest of us”
Noah rolled his eyes and said “like you could afford to get in trouble” “haha bet your dad is proud of his son” “like father like son I guess huh” “trouble runs in the family”
Kai walks up to Noah and sends a massive punch to Noah’s face leaving Noah shocked but mad.
After that everyone left the mansion and went their separate ways.
Isabella’s POV
I went for a walk to clear my head. What was that Orb. Why was it glowing and of all colors purple. Did Evelyn know that exists under her family’s mansion? Could the purple orb be tied to her gorgeous purple eyes? So many questions going through my mind but the only question I wanted answered was if Kai is ok. For those of you who are wondering I know Kai from our childhood foster home.
You see I lost my parents when I was 10. I was immediately put in a foster home but they didn’t want me so I was sent to another only a few months later. It was ok there but they also sent me away. At age 11 I was in my 3rd foster home. I’ve got this thing where I can see things others don’t. I never understood until now. It’s called clairvoyance and has been nothing but a curse. No one understood that I wasn’t lying.
At 13 I was in a foster home and these triplets would bully me over me seeing things. It was violent. They would hurt me physically and emotionally. I began to get tense or stressed in violent situations as I had no friends in the foster home so I was alone. Other kids would call me a freak and would relentlessly bully me and make me miserable.
However one day there was a new kid. It was Kai. He was sitting on a couch and looked like he was feeling lots of emotions. So I ran up to him and started up a conversation. We became good friends. We were inseparable.
I still got very badly bullied but Kai began beating the kids up to protect me. While I knew he had his heart in the right place I just don’t like violence and don’t think violence is the answer. As long as Kai was here no one dared to talk to us. I liked it that way. But one day Kai’s dad came to pick him up. Kai went with him but seemed upset. After that day it got worse for me. I’m 15 now and I’ve just ran away from my foster home. I’m far better off on my own. But I didn’t expect to see Kai again. I won’t complain though. I missed my friend.
Kai’s POV
And there she was. Just like I remember. She has beautiful wavy long black hair. With golden brown eyes and those cute little freckles. She’s still got that glimmer of light in her eyes. The same light I saw in her eyes when she came up to me on that couch to introduce herself. I was in a foster home with her. When I was younger my father got into bad stuff. We can keep it at the environment wasn’t safe for me. So I was put into the foster home with Isabella. I resent my dad. But I can’t tell her what’s going on with me cause I can tell she’s got her own stuff to deal with. If she finds out about how my relationship with my dad is she’d drop everything if it meant helping me. I can’t do that to her. I always called her belle because she was so caring. She wants to believe people can change. She always finds a way to see the good in someone who doesn’t deserve it. She’s special. No doubt about it.
Noah’s POV
When I got out of there i felt weird. I shrugged it off. Must’ve been the crazy week I’ve had. But I wanna know why this lady has a glowing Orb in her.. uh well some say normal.. but normal may not be the right word here. Most people hide secret things in a living room or maybe the bedroom or even the kitchen. Guess I’ll just say it like it is. This crazy old lady has a glowing orb in a cave under her mansion and I wanna know why. But enough with that. I’ve got a PlayStation at home calling my name.
Gemma’s POV
As I walked out a weird feeling came over me. It’s was like a tingly feeling. I’m sure it was from the fall. Gotta say that’s the weirdest thing to ever happen to me which is saying a lot as before this I could in good faith say my weirdest day was when I choked on a burrito after finding out my dad was getting married to my moms ex girlfriend. And if that wasn’t enough to make that a weird day I accidentally shot milk out of my mouth at my best friend Blair because that same day she told me I’d have double parents and none of them were strangers or new to me. I mean that was a weird day and I reacted dramatically by spitting milk out of my mouth but honestly she took me off guard. I mean divorce can lead to a new parental figure in your life but I had 4 I already knew and loved. It’s confusing having 3 moms but hey each to their own. My dads name is Dave and he’s married to Stacy who I call momma number 3. It’s totally a weird situation and honestly is just so unreal and awkward at times I’ve gained a class clown type personality. Helps keep the awkward feeling at bay. Mom number 2 I call mom and she’s my ride or die. Ever find yourself in trouble call her. Her name is Melanie but like I said fun mom. Then there’s momma number 1. She helps me train. I play soccer at high school but plan on going pro. She helps keep me in check. But whatever that was or what happened seems too weird and defiantly takes the cake. Wait now I’m thinking of cake. Ugh, now I want cake. Well guess I know what I’m doing before I go home. I gotta go get me a cake.
Blairs POV
I bet all of us are feeling overwhelmed with what happened. That was weird. And we have to go back tomorrow to keep cleaning! I thought Evelyn was a little bold based on the way she spoke to us. I liked her but I hope she could give us answers cause logically speaking this is weirder than Gemma finding out her dad was getting married to her moms ex. She’s got the coolest family and most supportive but boy can it be crazy. But that orb. What’s up with Isabella. We all yelled to her to stop. She seemed like she was in a trance. But anyways let’s just drop it. I’m home and could do with some reading before tomorrow.
The next day was easy. Get ready for day 1 of school. I mean how hard could it be? You enrolled yourself in school after forging your former foster home guardians signature. Honestly it’s been hard for me. I’m obviously going to get caught at some point but I guess I must enjoy this while it lasts. I mean it’s not ideal and obviously yeah I had a job. After the fight at the mall I was fired. So I’m secretly sleeping in Evelyn’s mansion which is breaking and entering I think. Oddly enough I like being on my own. And it’s only a matter of time before I’m tracked down especially with the signature I forged to get me enrolled in forest grove high school but honestly. I want a fresh start. And I really and truly feel this is it.
Now let’s move the attention off me for a bit. While I’m getting ready for day 1 of school at forest grove high school Kai’s sneaking through his window to his bedroom carefully entering without making a noise. He’s had practice I guess. He quickly gets ready and heads out.
Blair on other hand makes sure she’s fully pampered and ready to show off her new clothes she’s made over the summer. She takes a nice warm bath and relaxes but makes sure to be timely. She gets out and gets done with makeup and hygiene and immediately picks the outfit she’s prepped. After she was done getting ready she ran downstairs and greeted her mom already in uniform ready to go to work. Blairs mom is a police officer so she heads to work when Blair heads to school.
At Noah’s house he’s already up and ready. So with that being said we went to school but it was what happened next that will explain what I meant when I said yesterday was nothing like we imagined. Cause that was only the spark. What happened at school will forever change our lives. But the question is. Was it for the better? Or worse? Because nothing will ever be the same again.