he pinned me to the wall with both hands blocking me, "I care about you" I blurted out shaking, "Does that mean you love me?" he arched his lip close to mine, "care? It means that I don't hate you'' I struggled to escape, I had a chance and escaped from his hold, ''unless I manage to break the engagement, otherwise, all that everything I'm doing is disrespecting Oliver Grey'' I countered pacing the room, my guess is probably correct but he's trying to hide his tracks, ''Oliver threw a haze in my eyes, I had no way of explaining it face to face" I muttered on purpose, "I think it's easy, I'm going to ask him to speak to you" I looked at him smiling. I walked back to my table thinking, ''Hope I have the right guy'' at lunchtime, I looked for Mira in her department and went to the cafeteria