
Claiming the Dragon King


The story follows the life of a young woman named Larkin, who is a powerful mage and a member of the Order of the Magica. Larkin has a troubled past and has been living in hiding, but when she receives a message from a dragon king named Magnus, she knows she must go to him.

Magnus is the ruler of the Dragon Kings, a group of powerful dragon shifters who are in danger from an enemy known as the Phoenix. Magnus has been unable to control his dragon, and it has caused chaos and destruction. Larkin is the only one who can help Magnus control his dragon and defeat the Phoenix.

As Larkin and Magnus work together to tame the dragon and defeat their enemy, they begin to develop a strong connection. However, there are many obstacles in their way, including the fact that Magnus is betrothed to another woman.

As they face danger and betrayal, Larkin and Magnus must navigate their feelings for each other while also trying to save their people.

Calming the Dragon King" is a thrilling and passionate story that will keep readers on the edge of their seats.

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Several figures stood bathed in the moon’s light as their leader decided their course of action. Centuries had passed since that fateful night so long ago, a night he had never forgotten and never would. Revenge brought them to this point in time, to this place of horrors. He would never forgive what they’d done, or forget it. That course of action and chaos had molded him into a fighter, a survivor. He’d become driven by the need for revenge, to take from them what they had taken from his people. Tonight he would do the unthinkable: he would become no better than they were. Tonight he would steal the infant children of the newly-crowned Horde King. Blane lifted his head, staring up at the starless sky. He sent a silent prayer that it wouldn’t be in vain; that this mission wouldn’t go askew and that his people wouldn’t suffer more for this valiant play to secure peace for his kind. Life for his kind was in turmoil, never-ending suffering as they remained in the shadows, in lands that not even the Horde would walk through and yet they couldn’t return home, not without securing peace or taking down the Horde’s most powerful creature, their king. A noise sounded from the mouth of the cave they waited in front of, bringing Blane back to the here and now. Sadie pranced out, swaying her hips as she licked her lips as she held his line of sight. She was younger than he, easily manipulated. He’d almost felt bad for what he had done, seducing the young maid to feed him information. Blane hadn’t wanted to use her, but the more he learned about her and her brothers, the less guilt he felt at his actions. She was also what he hated most, Horde to her core. “They’re holding court,” she announced as the blood dripped from a dainty fang. “The guards are down, never to wake again,” she laughed musically. “Now pay me.” Blane had promised her dragon tears, a priceless commodity considering the world thought them extinct. He held out a vial, and her fingers jerked and twitched with longing as she held her hand out to accept her payment. “And tell me, Sadie, what will you do with them?” he asked softly, carefully. He gazed at the cold marble features that hours ago had been screaming in pleasure as she’d rode his c**k. “I will use them to lure children to me,” she purred. “The blood of the innocent is…exotic,” she sighed huskily as if the thought of helpless children turned her on. Blane stepped closer, his hands itching to wrap around her dainty throat. “You’d kill innocent children for fun?” he asked angrily, not shocked in the least. She was one hundred percent Horde and thrived on the pain of others. He watched as she tipped her dark head back and laughed as if the ire in his tone amused her. Anger pulsed through him, red-hot; rage filled his soul and lightning fast, his sword cut through the air soundlessly and effortlessly, as he’d been trained to do from birth. Her gaze met his as her head left her body, separating from it. No sound reached their ears other than her head as it hit the sand beneath their feet. “Hide the corpse,” he growled. “You didn’t have to kill her,” Fyra said in a bored tone. “She could have been fun.” “We’re not here for fun,” Blane snapped. “We are here to take the king’s children.” “You think he will bow to us once we have them?” she argued. “You’re a fool, Blane, if you think they will even care that they are gone. They are Horde; they hold no love for their spawns, not when they can make an endless supply of them now.” “He’s different,” Blane retorted crisply. “He protects them, which means they can be used against him. He’ll trade his life for them, and once he has, he will die for what he has done to our kind. After we’ve ended his reign, we will move to take the castle, and with it, we will rule the Horde.” “Is that what you really want? To rule a murderous, monstrous bunch that dragons have never cared to claim or be a part of?” she asked as her ice blue gaze searched his. “No, you don’t want to be king; you want to end them for what they have done to us. If we kill the head, the body doesn’t follow. You and I both know that isn’t how this works. Once he dies, another one will rise. I understand your position, but this is a war we won’t win, Blane.” “We are not trying to win a war,” he said coldly. “They slaughtered my sister inside these walls, as well as my father. Fury was the rightful dragon king, and Alazander murdered him simply because he could, as a warning to any who thought to rise against him. No one intervened, not one royal house stepped in to defend us after they’d given us their word that they would fight beside us. Instead, they let the Horde attack us until no dragon was left.” “But they f****d up, didn’t they?” she laughed softly. “They left a young boy alive, and hundreds more who were hidden from them. And now we will rise, Blane. Let’s hope this plan works, or they’ll have slaughtered another dragon king inside these walls.” “The Goddess is on our side,” he uttered as he nodded towards the headless corpse. “Get rid of her before the next patrol comes on and discovers it. I won’t have this plan thwarted before it begins.” “Rumor has it they have an actual Goddess,” Wren grumbled, bending down to blow on the corpse. Flames ignited from Wren’s hands, and dragon flames of red and green hues consumed the corpse, leaving nothing but ashes as the fire burned out. The wind heaved, blowing them onto the sand and into the waters behind the castle. “Does anyone have anything useful to say? Or do you all just want to f*****g hold your d***s and whine a little longer?” Blane snapped. He knew they worried; hell, he was worried. He could be walking his best friends to their deaths. This was their chance, though, their time. The Horde had kept them down, kept them running from fear of being discovered. His people couldn’t hide much longer, not with the creatures of the forest attacking more and more. No, he had to move now to secure peace. His people needed a home, a place they could call their own. They’d hidden in the mountains, in the marshes, and in the deserts of Faery for long enough. The Mages were out there, preparing to fight the Horde, and everyone knew they couldn’t fight two wars, not at the same time. Not with the damage done to Faery, where they pulled their strength from. It was now or never. “Let’s move,” he growled as he started towards the cave’s mouth, the forgotten entrance into the Horde stronghold. It had been built when the castle itself was created, a bolt-hole to escape if the Horde ever turned on the royal family. It consisted of low-hanging caverns and winding, twisting passageways that led deep beneath the castle. “The wards are down, the guards are changing so be watchful. If we are discovered, you know what to do.” “It takes time to open the portal, remember that,” Fyra grumbled as they entered the pitch-black cave. There would be no escape if they were discovered before Fyra could open the portal; they’d go out fighting, which was more than his father had been able to do. He trudged through the darkened tunnels for what felt like hours until they reached a false wall, one Sadie had discovered long ago when she’d been sleeping with a guard. He spared a moment for the vampire he’d dispatched, and then a cold smile played across his lips. She couldn’t hurt any more children. Her days of feeding on them and leaving corpses in her wake were a thing of the past. Blane pushed against the door and hesitated as the wall gave a loud creak and moved, revealing the dungeon of the Horde. Inside was damp, cold, and as dark as the tunnel they’d just exited. It looked unused, empty as far as his eyes could see. His chest tightened with pain as he imagined his sister and father locked in the tiny cells. He pushed the pain away, pushed the memories of them to the back of his mind as he emerged into the room and made his way to the staircase that led deeper into the stronghold. Once there, he pulled the armor from the bag that rested on his hip. They made quick work of changing into the uniform of the Elite Guard, praying no one noticed the difference in craftsmanship. “From here on out, silence. Not another word until we reach the living quarters.” It took everything he had inside him not to cut down the Fae who moved through the larger rooms they walked in. No one spoke to them, not even the other guards who were positioned everywhere inside the castle. Every exit or door held armed guards, an added precaution for the lack of wards. His small group looked and moved just like them, but then he’d watched them closely for over a century as they moved around the land of Faery. They started up a grand staircase, never stopping until they reached the furthest hallway. They split off from the others who moved about the halls, going to and from the guards living quarters and the royal family’s. No one noticed a group of guards lingering inside the hallway where the Elite Guard lived, not when they looked as if they belonged there. Once they were at the end, Blane opened the door leading to the royal family’s rooms. His gaze scanned the hallway with relief at finding it empty. They slowly entered it, moving along the wall as he searched the wards to be sure Sadie’s information about them being down was correct. Once he was sure, he removed his hood and placed his hands on the wall closest to his position. “They’re down, fully down,” he mumbled absently, wondering why they’d done it. Why remove wards in this part of the castle without quickly replacing them? Stupid, but it was working to their advantage tonight. He passed several doors before finding one that was elder oak, crafted from the ancient wood, just as Sadie had said it would be. His hand touched the knob as a musical voice sounded down the hallway. He tensed and turned to the men who all stood in a line as if they were protecting what lay inside the room. He slipped his hood up as two women moved briskly down the hallway to his location. His heart sped up as they neared. Neither female paid them any heed as they stepped between the guards to enter the room. The rich and enticing scent of freshly plucked night flowers followed them. Blane remained erect until they’d closed the door behind them. “What the f**k do we do now?” Fyra demanded in a hissed tone as her blonde brow furrowed and creased. “It’s two girls,” Wren shrugged. “We can use more women anyway. Not a problem.” Blane scrubbed his hand down his face as he turned and looked both ways down the hall before he opened the door and stepped inside.

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