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And if heartbeat could be measured, DeLorna’s own was gonna blow up the metre. Today was a day when was gonna be marked. The very day she would be going to the place he had promised to show her. Her mother was staying at home, so she couldn’t leave without informing her. She contemplated how she was going to explain it all to her mother. She thought of keeping it a secret and sneaking out of the house, but Ariana and Jide keeps convincing her to tell her mother. “ Mom, there’s something I wanna talk to you about. I know it’s gonna sound pretty weird and when I say weird, I meant weird-weird.” “ Come on, Harmonie, you know I do love weird things.” She said. “ Really?” She asked to be sure. “ You serious about that? Cos I don’t want you freaking out when I tell you this.” “ Don’t worry, I can cope with it.” “ Well, first of all, I wanna tell you that I ain’t the same again.” She started. “ A lot has happened to me in the past few days now and, I know I haven’t been a good daughter because I kept a lot of secrets away from you and dad.” Now she was talking of the Lycan. “I… I uhmm… I am…” She didn’t let her complete her statement, her mother asked. “ You’re pregnant?” DeLorna’s eyes flew open. “ What? No, I am not. I mean, not yet.” “ Now hold on young lady, you’ve got a boyfriend for yourself, don’t you?” She questioned. DeLorna was quiet, she couldn’t give a reply to the question. She knew her mother had become pissed up by the news. “ You keep a boyfriend?” She questioned, now she was sounding really pissed off. “He’s not my boyfriend.” “Then who is he?” “You told me you were good with what I was going to say. Now I know you had only said that because you want to hear what I am about to say. But don’t worry, I’ll keep the rest of it to myself. “ She snarled angrily, standing from the sofa. “Are you planning on walking out on me?” “ I wasn’t intending on doing that, but now I see your countenance isn’t welcoming, I should probably get some sleep. “ She made a few steps away. “ You haven’t answered my question, young lady. Who is the guy to you? “ She repeated. “ You wanna know? He is my mate. I’m pretty sure you know what that means.” She laughed. “ I can see you’re really far into the relationship to call him your mate.” DeLorna chuckled. “ I know mother has heard a lot about the creature of the night. That creature. . .is my mate. And tonight, he will be marking me as his bride.” “ You are not going anywhere.” She said sternly. “ I already am. And whether you like it or not, I will marry him. I don’t belong here anymore with you. Now I realize why no man has ever proposed to me because I am not destined with any of them, I am destined to be with him. I think it’s time we say our goodbyes, mother.” She walked to her room, leaving her mother in trauma. * * * **** AT THE NIGHT WALKER PACK **** The driver stepped out, he hurried to the dark door for DeLorna. She stepped out of the black spider car, glaring around the gorgeous-looking environment. She was escorted into the building, and her head raced in excitement as soon as she saw him. They walked into an empty chamber, it was three times wider than a king’s chamber. DeLorna gasped in awe, the room looks incredibly beautiful. “You know I never got the chance to know your name.” He looked at her, smiling. “ Jefferson. My name is Jefferson Anderson.” “ So, Jefferson, what’s tonight going to be like?” She asked, glaring around the room. “ It’s not gonna be like that of the wolves. We do hold a ritual, but that’s after I mark you. But it won’t be in this room. “ She nodded. “ So, you’re gonna mark me in here? “ “Not just here, but on that table.” Her eyes moved to the rocky table. It didn’t look so close to a table, it was more like a ritual stand. “ You just have to take off your clothes.” She swallowed. “ Are you… Are you gonna turn to the other you to mark me?” “ No. I don’t think that’s necessary anymore.” She was silent for a while. “ Maybe you were right, I do wanna see the other you. I am ready to accept it.” “ It was easy to say it then, but I don’t want you getting scared of me again. “ “ You aren’t the one persuading me this time, I have decided to see it. I want to look at the other you. I wanna see the other you.” She touches his cheek. They were still looking at each other, and in a way, DeLorna can’t tell, they were in a room filled with red lights but clear enough to see what was around. Then she takes her hand off his cheek, taking hold of the zipper of her gown, zipping it down to her waist. She shifted the gown out of her shoulders, letting it fall to her waist. Then she pulls it out of her feet. Now she is standing with her bra and panties. “ I am ready.” The lights went out, leaving the room in total darkness. After some seconds, it was restored. Jefferson wasn’t in his human form anymore, he was standing in a different form. In his Lycan form, huge and seven inches taller than her. “ It’s… beautiful.” She smiled. He took her into his arms, laying her on a rocky table. Red candles were hung on each side of the rocks. She shuts her eyes. A loud growl, and then his teeth were on her, piercing into her skin. DeLorna moaned, groaning at the pain. Then he pulls out, leaving teeth marks on her shoulder. . . . …….
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