
Kidnapped By The Dragon Twins

realistic earth
enimies to lovers
slow burn

Samantha Cote is a 23-year-old student at Oxford University and also a top high-class thief. She has worked side by side with her brother, and together they have stolen from various billionaires and companies until they became extremely rich.

Together, they execute the biggest heist, stealing from well-known billionaires, the Ricca twins, who are feared by everyone.

The Ricca twins are no ordinary twins but dangerous dragons that no one dares to mess with. Both are cold and feared, as they are famously known as the most dangerous men anyone can encounter. When a robbery occurs and their most valuable stones, including their most precious Dragon Heart Stone, is stolen, they set out to hunt the one who dared to steal from them.

They discover that Ethan Cote is responsible and, to get him, they kidnap his sister, Samantha.

The only flaw they didn’t account for in their plan is that Samantha would be a very attractive woman who brings the sparks in their life, causing a rift between the brothers, as they have different opinions where Samantha is concerned. The biggest issue is that fate has deemed them to share one mate.

How will one solve the rift when one wants to claim Samantha as their mate and the other is not for the idea?

What happens when they find out Samantha is the biggest reason for the displacement of their precious ruby?

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Prologue: Stealing From The Riccas
Samantha "Samantha, do you copy?!" Ethan’s voice blasts in my ear, making me wince. “ Of course I copy, do you have to shout?” I whisper yell at him. “ Sorry, I am just nervous about this mission. Are you sure I shouldn’t send someone to help you?” I can hear the panic in his voice. “ No, we already established that this is a one-person mission only. And I am the best at the moment. If I succeed, it will be big for us.” I trace my palm across the mahogany desk in the office I just infiltrated. It’s dark in here, but with the help of the night vision goggles, I can see everything. I have searched this whole penthouse and I still can’t find the diamonds and Ruby stones. The office is my last stop, you know save the best for last. My brother had stated the stones would be in Ricca’s penthouse but didn't know the room it was in. This mission can go in so many ways, but I trust my brother has never missed, he is always right. The Ricca are dangerous twins that no one dares to mess with, but honestly, Ethan and I don’t care. We are best after all, we have stolen from countless billionaires and these two will not be an exception. Being top-class thieves has made us millionaires, and we are not stopping anytime soon. “ It will be big, just be careful. If you can’t find the stones, it’s fine. I don’t want you getting caught in there.” Ethan says, his velvety voice itched with deep concern. “ I have never been caught, and I won’t start now. Just make sure the buyers are ready.” I whisper. I have to keep my voice low, even if no one is here. The twins have left for a business trip, it's why we thought today would be the perfect day to steal from them. Talking of the twins it’s funny I have never seen them before only heard about them. They are great at keeping a low profile and keeping their faces hidden from the media. The only thing any of us know about them is their name. The Ricca’s are rich Italian billionaires who are deadly. Rumors are they like mafia men and will torture anyone who dares to mess with them. I continue to search the office, making sure to put everything back where I found it, I don’t want them suspecting anything is amiss. I circle back to the desk. I begin to open the drawers, and until one refuses to open. I inspect the drawer, it's made of unbreakable steel, and it needs a combination of numbers. This is hi-tech, not just anyone can crack it, it’s a good thing I ain’t just anyone. I study the lock, the drawer is a little safe. I try random combinations and it doesn’t work. Just as I thought. “ Ethan, this place has a safe. I will need to override it.” I tell him in the little earpieces. “ What kind of safe is it?” “ It’s unlike anything I have seen before. But I know I can do it.” I check my little backpack and I remove my small tool, I designed it myself I can scan any safe with it, and it always provides me with the combinations. The thing is, I am the only one who can use this little tool. I wait until it scans the safe and I wait for about 10 minutes until the combination is formed, I press the numbers and I clear the click sound. I can't hold my smile. They lock open and do the drawer. It’s filled with diamonds as well as the Ruby tones we wanted. One particular stone stands out, it's a Ruby too but bigger than the other. It also buzzes with energy. I know we can get billions for this particular stone. I pack everything up in the handbag I brought and replace the originals with fakes. It will take them a while to realize that the stones are missing. “ Ethan, I got them,” I tell him. I can hear his excitement from the other end in the way he jumps. “ Now get out there, baby sis, before they catch you.”

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