Shariana laid out what had happened—the burning of Burrafirth, the slave caravans, the town of Hollowrock. She left out the part about the rabbit. Her story already sounded like a tale. No reason to add the insane on top of it. "A tragic tale. How can we help?" Shariana laid Arastor's map on the table. "It's a crude drawing, but you'll be able to follow it well enough. I left all them here. You and a group of men could get to them in two days." The three constables began a discussion while Shariana looked on. "We can put together two dozen men and three wagons. We'll leave in the morning at first light." One of constables offered Shariana a drink, "We can make room for you at the inn—" Shar interrupted the constable, "No, thank you. Ill ride back to the people tonight." "Milady, the