Chapter Nineteen: Yildiz POV

3196 Words

For the first time in weeks, I was sleeping peacefully. Not just peacefully, this was the best night’s sleep of my existence. That was until something started to stir me awake. It felt like pressure against my skull followed by a crawling sensation. I could feel something was trying to get in my head and I knew instantly what it was. I’m half asleep, but I can feel my heart start to pound and panic setting in as this bastard tries to force his way into my head. Just when I think I’m going to open my eyes to a sight I shouldn’t be able to see, I feel Osiah’s arms tighten around me and a warm energy surround me, and as quick as it came the pressure disappears. I manage to make my eyes flutter open a little, and as I do I can just make out this stunning azure-blue energy flowing from Osiah

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