Chapter Five: Osiah POV

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An animai. A f*****g animai. Has Zarseti lost her f*****g mind?! How is that even remotely possible? This was meant to be a simple retrieval; how did this all happen? I had sensed the newly made sanguidae as soon as they turned. As the first, I am connected to each and every one, so I can feel when another comes into being. A fact that shames and disgusts me to my core. They had someone guiding them, so I didn’t interfere right away, but once I knew their supposed leader was as dumb as a doornail with the traits of a serial killer, I knew I had to step in. For thousands of years, I’ve managed to get to them before the Delegation could, but for once they beat me to it, but I never could have expected things to turn out this way. The moment I appeared; her scent overtook me. It nearly threw thousands of years of self-control out the window. Her scent was the most glorious thing I’ve ever smelt in my entire existence. She smelled of warm vanilla and orchids fresh on the vine at the peak of their bloom. Her blood sang to the curse that rages within me and the monster that I am craved nothing more than to sink my teeth into her flesh and taste her blood on my tongue. I knew if I did it would be the most divine thing I had ever tasted, but I resisted. Animai or not, I would not do that to her. When I saw her for the first time I almost lost my resolve. She stood at 5’5”, her gorgeous frame dwarfed by my own. She had the most gorgeous mocha skin with glitters of gold. The way the gold in her skin reflected the sun she looked like a rare firefly, guiding me towards her like a moth to a flame. She had an adorable dusting of freckles across her nose and cheeks and as her golden eyes looked upon me she was completely unaware of how my eyes were drawn to her thick full lips that were begging me to devour them. Her long thick black braids were tied up high in a ponytail and I will admit, her clothes did not make it difficult to envision what was hiding beneath. I could see the curve of her hips, the shape of her voluptuous ass and the fullness of her breasts. Everything inside me screamed to reach out and touch her and taste her, but I knew that would be a mistake. Everything about her was like a siren, but it would be she who would be led to her doom. I am already condemned; I won’t drag her with me. For Zarseti to pair her to me, to pair anyone to me is an act of cruelty I cannot forgive, and she will answer for what she has done. That I can promise. I never thought leaving someone could be so unbearably painful and yet it was, but I have my responsibilities. Responsibilities that run deeper than some trick from a Goddess. The sanguidae from today are lost and confused, consumed by their hunger, and being led into a dark pit that some never come out of because of one sanguidae on a power trip. Honestly, I would love to rip the little s**t’s heart out, but Zarseti – once again in her supposed divine wisdom – gave the psychopath an animai and for that sweet girl’s sake, the fucker gets to live. For now. As I appear inside the safe house I use to give rogue sanguidae sanctuary, I look at the six new additions around me. Four are writhing in inexplicable pain – a result of cadmium from the smell of it – while their leader remains unconscious, and the sweet girl Amber stays close comforting him. Despite this curse that has befallen her, her sweetness still shines through. Perhaps if they complete the bond it might rub off on the prick, at the very least it might tame his hunger. I have seen animai bonds make sanguidae become more controlled once the bond is completed. Maybe that’s what Zarseti had in mind for me, but if that’s the case, she’s an i***t. I’m not like any of them and she knows that. I snap my fingers placing the wounded into a state of unconsciousness. I decide it would be best to let their wounds heal naturally; teach them a valuable lesson that they’re not as indestructible as they think they are, but I don’t want them to suffer. With another snap of my fingers, I send their bodies to respective bedrooms to sleep. Young Amber looks up at me with shock. Despite her blood-red eyes, she has a very innocent face. Narrow jaw, doe eyes, button nose and brown hair just past her shoulders. She’d make quite the honey trap. She has a slim frame and is 5’3”, wearing skinny light blue denim jeans and a man’s white collared long-sleeve shirt, both of which are covered in blood. “There is a bathroom down the hall. There is another upstairs and each bedroom has its own ensuite. You can pick any available room you wish. You will find clean clothes, so you can get cleaned up and dressed,” I say softly. “Why are you helping us?” she signs. “Because it’s my fault you’re like this. Helping you is the least I can do,” I confess. She frowns, “You didn’t make me this way,” she signs. I sigh, running my fingers through my hair, “It’s a long complicated story. Just know you’re safe here, but I’m afraid you can’t leave.” Her eyes widen in alarm as her fingers move with newfound speed, “Are we prisoners?” I shake my head and sit on the coffee table, “None of you are prisoners. But if I let you out in your current state you are a danger to others and you know this. You’re also now aware you’re not the only supernatural beings in the world. There are beings you don’t know about and laws you don’t understand, and there are punishments for breaking those laws. I can help you learn control. Help you understand what you are and teach you the laws you need to follow. That’s why you need to stay here. Do you understand?” She nods in understanding, “I don’t want to kill any more people,” she says, her face etched in remorse and shame. It’s like looking in a mirror. “I know,” I say, reaching out to stroke her hair, “It won’t be forever. Just until you learn control.” “What do I do if I get hungry?” she signs as she anxiously bites her lip. A good question. I offer her my hand and she takes it without hesitation. I lead her through the living room and into the kitchen, walking over to a large, reinforced door and place my hand on it. “This is a cooler. Inside are donated blood bags. All the blood you need is inside. But, it has a magical lock. This door will only open for each person once a day, and you can only remove two bags. Trust me, you can’t trick the system. It will be hard. The hunger you’re feeling never goes away, but you can learn to push it from your mind. You don’t need to feed as often as you think you do. You can go weeks before the blood craze sets in.” I explain. She looks at me in confusion, once again reminding me how green she is. “I’ll explain later. Just know, you won’t die from lack of blood. Would you like me to get you a bag now?” I gently ask. Her blood-red eyes shine bright with hunger, and as she steps forward her teeth form sharp points. Four canines on the top row and six together on the bottom row. She quickly covers her mouth, and I watch as she fights against her own instincts. She shakes her head furiously stepping back, “No. I want it, but I understand I don’t need it. I want to learn control. So no,” she signs with strength and determination in her actions. I smile feeling proud of the young one. I can tell she’ll handle this just fine. Hopefully, she can help her animai through this. I squeeze her shoulders, “You’re going to do fine. How about you go upstairs and get cleaned up?” She looks herself over and cringes, but nods in agreement. “What about Simon?” she signs, I’m getting better at translating the longer I’m around her. Remembering languages stored in my head is like riding a bike… not that I’ve ever actually ridden a bike. “He and the others will remain asleep until I wake them. For now, it’s for the best. Now when I say you can’t leave, I mean you can’t leave. There is a magical barrier around the house. As soon as you and the others have learned control you’ll be free to leave.” “How long will that take?” she signs. “It’s different for everyone, so I can’t say,” I answer honestly. She nods and begins to walk off, but stops and turns towards me, “Thank you. For saving us,” she signs with a sweet smile on her face. “Trust me, I don’t deserve your thanks,” I say flatly. She frowns but walks off. I listen as she makes her way upstairs, and I hear her get in the shower. Now that that is handled, onto the next. I disappear only to reappear in front of a large white double door. With no effort on my part, I push my arms in front of me blasting the doors open as my hands connect with the wood. I storm through the pristine 14,000 sqft villa of all white, turquoise, and deep blue accents with marble floors. I pass the living area, pass the kitchen and storm right out to the backyard. I step out into the oceanfront oasis seeking my target. I make my way through the white stone paths that divide the many swimming areas, proceed past the palm trees and up the stone steps until I get to the pool at the far end. As I reach the top platform, I look down into the clear turquoise waters at the woman I seek, her 7’1” curvaceous frame lazily floating on the water’s surface. Her fuchsia hair sprawled out around her and her white bikini clinging to her bronze skin. “Is there a reason why someone who can pop in wherever he likes, felt the need to break down my front door?” she casually asks, her eyes remaining closed. “What the f**k have you done?” I snarl. She continues to float peacefully, “You’re going to have to be a lot more specific than that.” “Don’t play games with me Zarseti. You gave me a f*****g animai! Have you lost your mind?!” I shout, my chest heaving as anger rages in my veins. Her liquid silver eyes snap open and a smile splits across her face as she stops floating and stands up in the pool, “You’ve met Yildiz!” she exclaims in excitement. I blink back my shock, “Is that her name?” Her face drops into a scowl, “Are you telling me you met your animai and you didn’t even ask her name? You’re even more far gone than I thought,” she says, rolling her eyes. She proceeds to step out of the pool and pulls a white, lace kimono on over her head. For a moment I feel guilty when I realise I never asked for her name, but I shake the thought away. “Her name doesn’t matter. I have no intention of completing the bond. I’m here to demand you undo this magic. Why would you even do something like this?” I ask, feeling appalled. “I was doing you a favour.” “I never asked you to do me a favour,” I say through gritted teach. “Oh, I see. So it’s okay for you to demand favours from me, but when I give them out of the goodness of my own heart, that’s when it’s a problem,” she says, folding her arms in irritation. “She’s your own daughter. How could you condemn your own child by tying her to me? It’s cruel beyond belief.” She raises her eyebrow making her Eastern European features look more fierce, “How have I condemned her exactly? How is gifting her the perfect person for her, condemnation?” “I wanted to feed on her Zarseti! Her blood sang to me, a fact only made worse by your stupid bond! I craved to sink my teeth into her flesh and taste her blood. I still crave it. I can still feel her touch under my hand and her scent clouding my senses. If I were to lose control I could kill her. She’ll never be safe from me, not unless you remove the bond,” I say in agitation. I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the pool’s surface and look away in disgust. “Did you?” she asks flatly, pulling me from my self-loathing. “Did I what?” “Feed on her.” “Of course, I didn’t! But every part of me wanted to,” I stress. “But you didn’t, that’s the point. You didn’t hurt her because you already care about her. You’re even here in some heroic attempt to save her from you, but my daughter does not need saving, she is no damsel,” she smiles, walking over and sitting down at a long glass outdoor table and plopping a grape into her mouth. “Do you have water in your ears? I am cursed, Seti. Doomed to an eternity as a monster. You dare doom your own child to such a fate?” I say, laying my hands down on the table. Her eyes flare as she looks at me, “Do not even suggest I would ever put one of my daughters in harm’s way. I am well aware of your curse, we all are, that’s why I did this.” She sighs, “You did not deserve what was done to you, we all agree on that, and the horrors you have committed are not your fault. I may not be able to lift your curse, but I can at least grant you some happiness. It’s okay to be happy,” she says, reaching her hand out and placing it on mine. “For the things I have done I deserve no happiness,” I deadpan. She sighs pulling her hand back, “The years have made you stubborn. Either way, I will not undo what has been done. If you’re so determined to free her from you, then reject her.” My chest tightens and my stomach drops at the thought of rejecting Yildiz… I don’t think I’m strong enough to say the words. Zarseti sits back smirking, “You can’t, can you? That’s why you want me to do it. Well, too bad. I’m not causing my daughter that level of pain, nor am I risking her life. Rejection,” she says the word with disdain, “Can already lead to death in the worst of circumstances. But for me to actually reverse the magic that ties two people together, I would definitely be killing them. You would survive, but she wouldn’t. So, again, the answer is no.” I take a breath scrubbing my hands over my face, “How were you even able to bond us? I don’t have a soul, and neither do you,” I say, pulling a chair out and sitting down. “No, as beings of the cosmos we have essrams. Only humans have souls, and since irshiusts were never human and were made directly from my magic, they too have essrams. So I suppose you’d say Yildiz is your essrammate,” she giggles. “You must be so proud of yourself,” I say, rolling my eyes. “Little bit,” she grins. “Just give her a chance. Let yourself be happy, you’re long overdue,” she says sadly. I look away, not wishing to see the pity in her eyes. For tens of thousands of years, this has been my life. One mistake and I’m still being punished for it. I have hurt so many people and as a result, my curse spread and infected innocent humans. I take care of my progeny and try to stop them from hurting humans, but it never seems to be enough. This curse is like a plague, and since it was not created by me, it can’t be stopped by me. So I just get to suffer. Now Zarseti expects one of her own daughters to suffer alongside me. It’s madness. Which reminds me. “Your daughter is blind.” “And?” “Did something happen to her?” I ask, unable to hide my concern. “You’d know if you took the time to get to know her, but no. Nothing happened to her, I made her that way,” she says casually while pouring herself something to drink from a large jug. I pull back in disgust, “You disabled your own child?!” Once again her eyes flare, “Careful. I did no such thing. Just because she lacks sight, does not mean she is unseeing. You haven’t even taken the time to get to know her name, let alone her, and already you view her as a damsel in need of saving, and now you think because she can’t see that it means she lives a deprived life. You’ll find yourself mistaken on all counts. But you’ll learn that in time.” “I won’t go near her, Zarseti, nor will I claim her. I may not have the strength to reject her, but I can stay away from her,” I say with determination. Zarseti throws her head back and laughs, “Do let me know how that goes, won’t you?” “No doubt she’ll reach out to you as I have. What will you tell her about me?” I ask hesitantly. “It is not my place to tell her about you, as it is not my place to tell you about her. It is your duty to tell her everything about who you are, just as she will tell you about herself. If you give her the chance,” she says softly. “So you’re staying out of this? If I choose to let her live her life, you won’t intervene?” I ask pointedly. “I’m offended you’d even ask. No, I have no intentions of intervening beyond what I already have, I also don’t have to. You can try to convince yourself that you can stay away from her, but you can’t,” she smiles. “If that is true it’s only because of your forsaken magic!” She laughs, “I help people find the perfect person for them, but I do not create love. That comes on its own. So everything you’re feeling for her right now, has nothing to do with my magic,” she smiles knowingly, “You care for her deeply already. You would already go to great lengths to protect her. My magic didn’t do that. So run from what you feel all you like, but sooner or later it will get the best of you. I just hope by then she hasn’t given up on you. Love may never die, but patience does.” “Then we’ll see which one of us is right,” I say as I rise to my feet, leaving the Goddess of Peace and Love to her devices. I don’t care what she says. I will ensure Yildiz, and I never cross paths again.
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