Chapter Thirteen: Yildiz POV

3762 Words

I race off as fast as my feet can go, down to the very depths of the Kartheca. My sisters join me, coming from all directions as all one hundred and one of us rush and hope that the most valued treasure we have been tasked to safeguard for thousands of years didn’t just get infiltrated on our watch. We all descend the stone stairs on mass, the auras of my sister’s lighting up my dark vision with a rainbow of colours. We make it to the very bowels of the Kartheca, deep beneath the earth and below the ocean. We enter a large cavern and spread out around the perimeter as we look upon the object that stands tall at the heart of the cavern. Standing at 20 feet tall is a monolithic crystal floating just a few feet off the ground. Inside the crystal is a kaleidoscope of moving colours the like

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