CHAPTER FIVE Chapter 5: Galene @ 0.6x nhs

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CHAPTER FIVE Chapter 5: Galene @ 0.6x nhs “Please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead,” Gal fumbled with her keys and got into her apartment. She ran to her balcony and looked around for Simba. Yes, she had named her orange cat, Simba. He meowled and came up to her, rubbing his fur on her shoes. “Oh, there you are. Sorry I forgot to pour your food this morning, Simba. I didn’t hear the alarm, and then I didn’t have time to dress and there was traffic, like always…” The cat ignored her. Thankfully, he still had his instincts and had turned practically feral, hunting birds and rats, feeding himself. Otherwise he’d have starved a long time ago. She stared a moment at her flower pots. Or, more accurately, her pots with dried up dirt and dead plants in them. She wanted to have some nice flowers but… Galene threw her keys and bag on the kitchen table and sagged on the chair. The smartfridge sent her a message on her veil with all the things she was supposed to shop and bring home. “Gee, thanks for that timely reminder.” She slowly stretched her leg and opened the fridge with her toes. She slapped her forehead. She had forgotten to buy milk, again. And pasta. And anything else that might even resemble some sort of food. She checked the time, it was 8 at night. The stores were closed by now. Jeez. Where had the day gone? Slipped right through her fingers. She was still holding Simba’s dry cat food, so she shrugged and ate a chunk of whatever it was. Huh. Fishy. Not bad.
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