CHAPTER TWENTY Chapter 20: Galene @ 0.7x nhs

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CHAPTER TWENTY Chapter 20: Galene @ 0.7x nhs “Please tell me you f****d him.” “I didn’t.” “Whyyy?” Nat pleaded. “Cause I’m not a s**t,” Gal said matter-of-factly, turning her shoulder. She placed the cactus in the middle of her table, and thought about it. “Gal! The guy is super hot, he’s rich, he lives in a penthouse, he likes you, you kissed. Why - the f**k - are you stalling?” “Penthouses are overrated, you know. The wind carries your laundry away, there are helicopters landing on your roof all the time. It’s terrible,” she deadpanned. She moved the cactus to the coffee table. “Argh!” her friend moaned in anger. Gal ignored her. “I know why you’re stalling,” Nat said crossing her arms. “Don’t say-” “It’s because of Babis. Your ex. Babis. He-who-must-not-be-named. Babis, Babi

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