Chapter 5

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She started wandering around, talking with some of her friends, and walking further away from the stage, eyeing the packhouse entrance. She tried to be as discreet as possible but was startled when someone grabbed her wrist. “No! I was so close! Please Moon Goddess” gasped Bella, begging the Moon Goddess to free her from his mate bond. She was so close, a few feet away from the parking lot. She wanted to grab a car and drive away from the pack, hell even away from Idaho all together. “Bella! You are finally back. How was your interview in the innovation hub in Santa Clara?” asked Taylor who was hugging Bella. Bella let out a sigh of relief: It was Luna Taylor who grabbed her wrist. Not a rogue. Not her mate. “Taylor! Umm…. It went great. They want me to start my internship soon… Umm. I have to go now, I am … Umm… A bit tired” “C’mon Bella. You cannot leave me hanging. I want to hear everything about your stay there. Also, I want your opinion on all the changes I am planning in the Pack Library. What do you think of this furniture design?” babbled Taylor as she shared her phone with Bella. Bella was surprised by Taylor’s perkiness; this is not the Taylor she knew. She looked at Taylor’s phone, determined to give her a quick advice and run away from this ceremony. Bella’s body went completely still when she looked at the iPhone screen. It was not a picture, but a message written by Taylor: YOU ARE BEING FOLLOWED. I NOTICED ROGUES STARTED SCRUTINIZING AND FOLLOWING A NUMBER OF GIRLS IN THE CROWND. BUT THEY SEEM TO FOCUS ON YOU. I DO NOT KNOW WHY. BUT I FEEL YOU KNOW. DO NOT TALK (WEREWOLF STRONG HEARING). Moon Goddess they already knew she was their leader’s mate! But how? He did not even see her face. Bella tried to compose herself. She knew from her years long training in River Moon, that panicking is the first step to losing the battle. She took a deep breath and played along with Luna Taylor, looking at her phone and pretending to examine the furniture’s photo. She cannot mind-link with Luna Taylor as she is a human and not marked by Alpha Dean. She must find another way to inform her about her predicament. “Umm. This is a nice idea Taylor… But why do you want to build the furniture yourself? There are good websites with great and unique furniture. Let me type some of the names I know.” Tay, the rogue leader. HE is my mate!! But I cannot. I just cannot. Please I want to run away. Help me. Please. She typed the message and showed it to Taylor. “It is as if you do not know me, Bella! I cannot buy furniture.” Chuckled Taylor after reading the distress message. Bella was impressed by her Luna. She was composed and calm despite knowing that the situation is far from being simple. The alphas are signing a peace treaty as we speak. A pack member rejecting the Alpha Rogue would not be taken lightly by the rogue community. “Come with me to the office. You will see the actual sketches not just a small picture on a small screen. Mind-link Emma as well because she wanted to see them.” Taylor intertwined her fingers in Bella’s and provided a reassuring squeeze as they walked, hand in hand to her office. “Bella, where are you? what is happening?” asked Charlotte through the mind-link, worried about her friend. “Meet me in Alpha’s office Char. Do not draw attention to you.” “What is happening Bella? I am worried now.” “Please Char. No questions now. I will tell you later.” “Luna Emma.” Mind-linked Bella next. “Yes Bella. What is wrong? You sound tensed.” replied Emma almost immediately. “Can you join Taylor and I in the Alpha and Luna office? I am in trouble and Luna Taylor asked me to mind-link and ask you to join us. She has a plan, and we need your help. But please Luna Emma, no one should know.” “I am on my way. Do not worry, I will be discrete.” Reassured her Emma. As Taylor and Bella entered the packhouse, and the office, Taylor closed the door and wrote on her smartphone: MIND LINK some of our warriors and tell them to keep anyone not from our packs, far away from this office. No one should be able to listen to our discussion. A few minutes later Emma and Charlotte barged in the office, their eyebrows creased with worry. “What is happening?” they asked at the same time. “Ash is Bella’s mate.” Stated Taylor. “What?! Lucky you, you got a sexy Alpha for a mate” Charlotte congratulated Bella. Bella looked at her friend with teary eyes and shook her head vehemently. “I do not want him Char. I do not want a rogue for a mate.” Pleaded Bella as tears ran down her cheeks, unable to hold back. “Bella, he is a good guy. He is signing a peace treaty with everyone. Why are you so worked out?” asked Charlotte as she hugged her friend trying to soothe her. “He is a rogue Char. And he wants to stay a rogue. I want to stay here in River Moon. I cannot go with him.” Cried Bella, wiping her tears with the back of her hand.  “Bella. A soulmate is a gift from the Moon Goddess, you should give him a chance.” Proposed Emma. “No! No please Luna Emma do not force me to go with him. I do not want him.” “But Bella, the mate bond.” “I do not care about the mate bond. Look at Alpha Dean and Luna Taylor. She is not his first fated mate. He chose Luna Taylor and she became his soulmate. I want to be able to choose my mate. Or at least to reject a mate who has nothing in common with me.” “Reject him? Are you crazy Bella. The rejection is highly painful. It could even be deadly! Do not speak like that please.” Begged Charlotte. “Alpha Dean survived the rejection.” “Alpha Dean did not reject his first mate. They just went their separate ways and then when she came back, it was too late because Luna Taylor became his mate.” Argued Charlotte. “Then I go away, and the mate bond will die eventually.” “Bella, I can only imagine how devastating this must be for you. To discover that your mate is everything you never wanted in a man. But, if we are rational, you do not know him. You did not even talk with him. Maybe you can start like that.” Proposed Emma. “He is a rogue Luna Emma. He smelled my scent and already mobilized his rogues to hunt me down. do you believe he will let me leave if I do not like him? He can hurt me, Luna. Please do not force me.” “No one is going to force you.” assured her Taylor. “Hunt her?” asked Emma looking at Taylor with confusion. “I believe he smelled her scent, but he did not manage to see her. And he must have instructed his men to check for girls leaving the meeting. Because I saw the rogues getting suddenly agitated and following the young girls who were walking around or leaving the venue.” “Which means he wants you.” “I do not want him Char. I don’t. I really don’t.” whispered Bella all worked out. “What is your plan, Taylor?” asked Emma who knew that if her friend called for her, it meant she had a plan.  “We give Bella some time to think this through. If after a few weeks she is open to explore a relationship with Ash, we support her and we make sure the meeting happens under her conditions.” “Where is she supposed to go meanwhile? How can she even leave the pack with the rogues being on the lookout for a runaway mate?” “This is where I need your help, Emma. We need to convince a good number of girls to leave this ceremony earlier than planned. Some of them will have to leave their packs as well. They can consider it a paid vacation.” “Why?” “Ash is looking for his mate. My gut feeling is that he will not stop. He will visit every pack present at the ceremony today and try to find her. If we only exfiltrate Bella today, he will be able to make the link. But if many girls leave at the same time, he might not get too suspicious.” Explained Taylor “When you have over forty girls leaving, he will not get suspicious. He can believe those were planned trips. And even if he tries to track them out, we make sure they are from all the packs, and make it more difficult for him.” Added Taylor “Forty girls? How are we going to pull this out in an hour!” “How would he even know that Bella left?“ “Listen. We do not even have an hour. You need to mind link girls we can trust from our packs and to text the girls from the neighboring packs. We can ask Tristan and Clive to prepare a shuttle to take the girls for an SPA getaway. Oh and Charlotte you need to mind link Tristan and ask him to erase and replace any CCTV footage where we see Bella panicking and running away from the venue. And where we see me talking to her and walking away with her.” Emma and Charlotte looked at each other. This is a delicate and difficult mission. They are not sure they can do everything in less than an hour. But just one look at Bella, and seeing how distraught she was, convinced them that they needed to try and help her. “Liam is going to kill me when he finds out.” Muttered Emma. “Thank you! Thank you Emma!” Taylor tried to contain her screams of joy. “I still think you should give him a chance Bella! The guy is shaped like a Greek god!” grumbled Charlotte.
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