Chapter 11

2105 Words
How could this have happened? She was extremely careful not to leave any evidence. Taylor was prudent as well, exclusively using the pack secret communication app to make sure no one listened to their discussion. Her parents were of course careful as well. But then how did Alpha Dean know! “Alpha Dean.” Gulped Bella, looking away, afraid of his reaction. “Bella.” He replied. Shit. He is not going to make this any easier. “Is … Why… Umm I mean why are you calling me Alpha?” “Remind me Bella. Can pack members leave the pack territories as they please?” “Yes Alpha, they can. They just need to inform the Alpha or Luna of their travel details.” “And did you inform the Alpha or Luna, Bella?” scolded Dean. Bella shivered in fear; She could be severely punished if she confirmed that she left without informing anyone with authority. But she could not throw Taylor under the bus neither. She helped her a lot, behind her mate’s back, and Alpha Dean would not be forgiving if he learned about that. “I did not inform anyone Alpha because you all knew I would be leaving to Santa Clara early January. I did not think leaving a few days earlier would be a big deal.” She tried to justify her decision. “You are one of the smartest ones in my pack Bella. You know it is not how it works. And for that, I will have to punish you. I expect you back to River Moon by tomorrow noon.” “What!” she cried. No, No, this cannot be happening. The moment she gets back in Idaho, Ash will find her. “Please Alpha Dean. I cannot come back.” “And why is that, Bella?” he asked. “Umm… My internship is supposed to start on the third of January... Then there is college as well. I cannot come back Alpha. Please forgive me for forgetting the pack protocols, but do not jeopardize my future.” “Bella. I know about Ash.” He stated coldly. Bella shivered in fear, hearing her Alpha is aware of everything. Now, there is no doubt he will force   her to come back and deal with the mess she left behind. She lowered her eyes, looking at the floor, fighting her tears. “Alpha…” she tried to plead to him, but her voice cracked. “Please Alpha. Do not force me to go back to River Moon. Nor to go with him… Please.” She pleaded, her tears running freely down her cheeks. “I won’t Bella. But I expect you to be honest with your Alpha and Luna.” “I promise I will be from now on. But please let me stay here.” “I am impressed Bella. You did not betray your Luna despite everything.” Smirked Dean. Bella raised her eyes looking at Dean, surprised that he really knew everything. “I am the Alpha, Bella. Why are you shocked that I know everything? Of course, it took me a week to put all the pieces together, but I uncovered everything. I know who helped you and how. Up to the tiniest details.” She gasped, putting her hand on her mouth, worried for all her friends. Dean would never hurt his Luna, but he could punish Charlotte, Tristan and everyone who helped by leaving their packs for the diversions. “Relax Bella. No one will be punished... This time. They will receive a warning. But if this happens another time, they will be exiled.” Bella eyes grew ten times bigger, surprised by the severity of the punishment. “What are you going to do about Ash, Alpha. I was told he was still searching for his mate.”  “He will not stop until he finds you, Bella. We are not going to make his investigation any easier, and Taylor’s plan is working for now. But given his determination, I would say it is a question of time before he gets to you, Bella.” “If he finds me, he will force me to go with him Alpha. He will take me from my pack and from my career aspirations.” “You do not know him, Bella. If I had the smallest doubt about him, I would not have sponsored the signature of a peace treaty with him and his rogues.” “Alpha Dean, if my mate was from a pack, he would also not be happy with me being here for nine months, away from him and his pack, and would probably pressure me to come back to Idaho. But a rogue like Ash will undoubtful force me to come back and do as he please.” Dean could not disagree with Bella’s point of view. Her fears were realistic and Ash’s extreme behavior the past days was not a good indicator of how the face-to-face meeting between Ash and Bella would go. “I expect you to be careful Bella. You keep Taylor and I updated about everything. You report to us everything, every single detail, even just gut feelings. Do you understand me?” “Yes, Alpha. Thank you, Alpha.” “For what?” “For caring.” “I always care about my pack members, Bella. Also, if you feel you are in any danger, you head to Santa Cruz. The Alpha of the Bright Moon pack, Alpha Daniel, is a close friend of mine. You just tell them that you are from River Moon and that I told you to seek refuge in their pack.” “Thank you, Alpha Dean.” “Bella, I did not only call you to scold you. I need your help.” Stated Dean after a few minutes, running his hand in his hair. “How can I help you Alpha?” asked Bella intrigued. “I want you to find any mentions of werewolves and humans mating together. Any packs reporting human mates. Any ancient books that talk about the offspring of such mixed couples. Any accounts of werewolves marking their human mates. But Bella, you must be discrete about that. No one must know that you are researching such a sensitive topic. We do not want to attract unwanted attention.” Explained Dean. “Yes of course Alpha Dean. You know me, I can hack a network and exfiltrate data without anyone noticing.” Proudly stated Bella. “And this is why I am reaching out to my pack’s smartest geek even though she is miles away.” Smiled Alpha Dean. “Alpha Dean, may I ask a question?” “Sure.” “Are you going to propose to Luna Taylor?” eagerly asked Bella, hardly managing to contain her excitement. “Yes, Bella but when the time is right. And keep that a secret as well for now” Winked Dean to a blushing Bella. Taylor had won the heart of all the pack members of River Moon, and the respect of every single werewolf in Idaho and even beyond.  Taylor and Dean are the power couple everyone is now striving to be like. And Bella knew she would do everything in her power to find the answers her Alpha was looking for. Dean and Bella continued chatting for half an hour and they hang up with Bella promising to keep her Alpha updated on the progress of her investigations and on her personal situation with her mate. The next day, Bella decided to visit her university’s library. Although her major is focused on computer science, she investigated all the curriculum in her university and noticed that they have a renowned College of Arts and Science with majors in Ancient Studies, Anthropology and History. Therefore, she was confident that the library should hold some interesting, rare books that might help her in her investigation on Werewolves and Human mates. She went firs tot the Admission and Enrollment Services Building, in order to finalize her registration and get her student ID. Without it she cannot access the library. “I’m sorry Miss Bailey, we cannot give you your student ID before the start of the spring semester.” “But Ms. Jones, it would help me to get a head’s start on my studies if I can access the library and university facilities during the winter break.” “You are not a student yet in our university. I cannot do anything about that. Come back mid of January for the registration and you will get all your access rights activated.” Bella was cussing in her head. She had been negotiating with Ms. Jones for almost an hour now, and she was still not open to change her mind. Bella could not understand why they do not accept to give her student ID especially that she had already paid her tuitions in advance. “Come on Ms. Jones, this is not how we welcome new students!” Bella was started by the voice pleading her cause. She turned around and saw a tall brunette with a mischievous smile covering her face. “Miss Garcia. The student body does not have a say in admissions and registrations.” Replied Ms. Jones coldly. “The student body has been campaigning to open access to our University Library. You know to share and spread knowledge. The mantra of our School, right Ms. Jones.” The discussion dragged for an hour between The Garcia Girl and the uptight Ms. Jones. Garcia might be in the student body, but Bella thought she ought to be the president of the debate club because she managed to force Ms. Jones to backpedal! “Thank you for your help. My name is Bella Bailey.” Said Bella holding her Student ID in her hand. “Pissing off Ms. Jones is my utmost pleasure. And My name is Celia.” Replied Celia as she shook Bella’s hand. “Nice to meet you. Can you help me find the library?” asked Bella, looking at the campus map in her hand. “Yes, it is this building at the left. You just go straight ahead, and you will see it a couple of blocks away.” “So, you are new here? First-year?” Asked Celia. Bella opened her mouth to answer but stiffened on the spot. She smelled werewolves behind her. She could hear them talking, probably a group of five or six. She should not be worried since she is covered with the scent suppressant perfume, one of her proudest inventions. But still, she did not want to risk it. She looked at Celia, hesitating for a few seconds.  “Sorry Celia, I got to go for now. But would really like to talk to you soon. Maybe you can show me around? Bye!” hurried Bella, almost running away under Celia’s perplexed look. Bella glanced behind and saw the group of werewolves walking and talking together, not aware of her presence. She let out a breath of relief and decreased her speed to avoid looking suspicious when she slammed into a wall. She was going to fall on her ass when two hands grabbed her by the waist, and she slammed into the wall again. “What the!” she exclaimed when she realized that the wall was a large and muscular chest. Not any chest, but the chest of a werewolf! How the hell didn’t she smell his werewolf scent! She scolded herself for not being careful enough. “Are you ok, down there?” said a husky voice. Bella shivered of fear, worried that the werewolf might catch her scent, being that up close and personal. She raised her eyes, meeting two beautiful grey eyes… grey and penetrating eyes that were analyzing her as if trying to reach her soul. She avoided his eyes and tried to control her heartbeat. She glanced at the frowning werewolf and noticed his defined jawline, as if carved by a sculpturer, as well as his powerful aura emanating from him. He must be a Beta if not more. Great! Bella cursed her luck. She thought that the university will be empty given that it was Christmas break and here she was, on her first visit, bumping into so many werewolves. Including a beta, aka, a werewolf with enhanced powers. The handsome werewolf, probably a student here as well, furrowed his brows, discreetly sniffing her hair as he tightened his hold on her waist. Damn it! She was busted!
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