Chapter 7

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“Alpha Liam, Alpha Dean, is the peace treaty a joke to you?!” growled Ash as he stood in front of the Carter brothers flanked by Rob, his Beta and Jeremy, his Gamma. Ash was gravely irked by now. His team identified many women who could fit the description of his mate and as soon as the ceremony ended, he strolled around the venue, checking the girls, looking for the intoxicating scent of his mate. Yet, despite checking out over eighty girls in record time, none of them was his mate! He could not understand how he could not catch her scent anymore. She could not have left the pack premises that fast. The moment he felt her scent fade away he asked his team to track down all young women. His anger reached a boiling point when his people informed him that many young women were leaving the venue already, some of them gathering next to the packhouse entrance, others leaving in taxis already. Pack members leaving such an important ceremony so early? Even before the end of the Alphas’ speeches? This is damn sure not a coincidence! His mate is running away from him, and someone is helping her by creating a diversion with all those women suddenly leaving at the same time. Even if he did not catch her scent near the gathering point of those women, he was sure that this is a ploy to scatter his effort into chasing his mate. He did not know who is helping his mate, but he knew that the culprit would pay for playing him like that! But even if he did not know who the masterminds behind this exfiltration operation were, he knew for a fact that they must be members of the River Moon pack… Or eventually the Silver Moon pack. Because the ceremony was held on the River Moon territory which meant only their pack members could pull something that audacious… on the peace treaty signing day as well! “You were with us at the ceremony Alpha Ash. You saw how determined we all are to make this work. Why would you question our intentions?” replied Liam, his voice ice cold. “Who the hell does this young alpha rogue thinks he is? Is this how he shows gratitude to our continuous support for his cause?” roared Liam through his mind-link. “This is so out of character. I do not know what happened to him to accuse us like that” replied Dean. “I have valid reasons to believe that your pack members are harboring a fugitive… my mate!” roared Ash, his wolf scratching to take control and wreak havoc in this pack until they deliver them his mate. “You have a mate?” asked Liam confused. “Your mate is a criminal?” asked Dean at the same time. “Ash do not destroy everything we built in the past days, not on a whim.” Pleaded Carmen through the mind-link as she joined them to ease the tension. “How could my mate disappear like that? Someone is helping her.” “Did you stop to think why she would want to disappear?” challenged Carmen. “Not now Carmen! Not now!”  ordered Ash. He did not have time to argue with Carmen. He wanted to find his mate and every minute that passed by, made his mission more difficult. But as he examined the two Alphas standing in front of him, he felt they were sincere. They did not know about his mate nor about any attempts to help her escape. Yet, she is hiding from him. And the unusual activity of people leaving, the strange disappearance of his mate … those are not coincidence.  “I found my mate during the ceremony. I smelled her scent when she was standing with the spectators and then her scent faded away.” “You mean she saw you and left?” asked Dean surprised to hear of such a reaction. Usually when you see your mate, the bond is so strong that you cannot but run into each other arms. “Are you mocking my Alpha?!” roared Rob as he stepped closer, challenging Dean… Challenging an Alpha… the Alpha hosting them on his grounds! How stupid could this Beta be, wondered Dean. “Step down boy!” ordered Liam, his menacing Alpha aura spreading like a shockwave. Ash pulled Rob back, trying to de-escalate the situation. “Yes. I think she saw me and left the venue. And since that moment, I cannot find her. So can you explain to me who is keeping my mate away from me?” asked Ash his voice laden with disdain. “You just said yourself that she left of her own accord. How can anyone be keeping her away from you?!” huffed Dean annoyed by this whole dispute. “I want every unmated girl to be brought out here. And every unmated girl who already left the venue or the pack territory to be ordered to come back here.” “For what? An inspection? You want to line up the girls and sniff them one by one?” mocked Liam. “You do not seem to understand the gravity of the situation Alpha Liam. I am this close to throw away our agreement. Do you really want to re-start the war instead of helping me find my mate?” challenged Ash. “Do you really want to re-start the war instead of respecting your mate’s decision?” retorted Dean. “What decision are you asking me to respect? Who steps on the mate bond like that?” shouted Ash. “Ash, I can understand your frustration, believe me, I fully understand it. But I cannot condone your behavior.  You need to calm down and think rationally. If your mate does not want to be found, do you really want to hunt her down. Hunting down your own mate!? To do what? To drag her forcefully to your house? Or to mark her against her will?” reasoned Liam. “How dare you insinuate that I would mark a woman against her will? I am not a savage!” “So, what will you do? Drag her forcefully?” re-stated Liam hoping that Ash will understand the full horror of the situation. You cannot force your mate to love you. His brother faced the same situation with her first mate who did not want to be tied down to a mate and Dean respected her decision, as painful as it was. Ash will have to come to terms with the situation and concern such outcome.  When Ash did not answer, Liam and Dean looked at each other, then at him, shocked that he was actually considering such option. “Are you out of your mind? You are ready to kidnap your own mate and force her to live with you?” Dean reprehended him. “She is my mate. She must respect the mate bond. I am positive if she spends time with me, she will give in to the mate bond and the pull between two mates.” Dean shook his head in disbelief. This young Alpha was oblivious to the madness in his plan. “She made her choice, and you should respect it Ash. You cannot drag nor kidnap a girl even if she is your mate. If she does not want you, you should not force her. We will not let you force her.” Warned Dean. “Shouldn’t she communicate her decision to me face to face? Instead of fleeing the scene like a criminal? I just want to talk to her.” “It is her decision whether she wants to talk to you or not.” “But…” “Ash, you CANNOT force her. And her pack, whatever pack she belongs to, her pack WILL protect her and shield her from your aggressive and disrespectful ways.” Stated Liam. “Watch out Ash, if you go down that road you could end him like your father” added Dean. Ash’s whole body went still when he heard Dean comparing him to his father. He fisted his hands and tried to control himself from jumping on Dean and fighting him for such insulting comparison. He was not his father. He did not consider, not even for a second, to mark his mate forcefully. And definitely not to complete the mating process without her accord. He just wanted a chance to talk to her, a chance to show her that he can be a good mate. He just wanted her to give their mate bond a chance. And he was convinced that if she lived with him, she would see all of that. “Is it how it is going to go Alpha Dean? Every time we disagree on important matters, you will compare me to my father?” Dean realized that he might have stepped his boundaries, but he was genuinely concerned about Ash. He is blinded by the pseudo-rejection of his mate, and he was ready to go to extreme measures to get her back. There is a thin line between perseverance and madness, and Dean was worried that Ash would cross that line given his obsession to get his mate back…At all costs! Ash needed to understand the risks his attitude will bring, and his Beta and Gamma do not seem to be wise enough to advise Ash properly. At least there is Carmen and his sisters, the girls might be able to steer him in the right direction. “Ash, I propose you think about what Liam said. Go seek the advice of your family, they can also help you see the right from wrong.” “We are not done yet. Since you will not let me see all the unmated girls, I want a copy of the CCTV videos. And believe me when I say, if I see someone walking with my mate after she turned her back on me, this someone will regret trying to get between me and my mate.”
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