Chapter 9

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Ash was fuming. He could not believe how he was played by Alpha Dean. He genuinely believed that Dean and Taylor were treating him as their equal. They stood by his side in the peace negotiations and in the end, when it was between him and a pack member, they unilaterally sided with his mate, helping her flee the scene and go into hiding.  When Ash reached to gym, he put his hand on the handle, ready to storm in and confront Taylor, when Carmen grabbed his arm. “Ash, wait!” shouted Carmen grabbing Ash’s arm and pushing him to the side. “What are you planning to do? You cannot storm in and start questioning the pack’s Luna.” “We can beat the truth out of her” mocked Rob. “f**k Rob! You are his Beta! You do not encourage him down this road you i***t!” yelled Carmen as she punched Rob on the shoulder. “Hey! That hurt!” whined Rob, robbing his shoulder. “Ash…” started Carmen. “I am calm, Carmen.” Cut her Ash. “Good. Please Ash, act as the leader that you are. I understand your need to find your mate but not at the expense of your family and friends.” Ash took a deep breath and nodded to Carmen, before opening the door and walking in the gym. Taylor was running on the treadmill when she noticed the gym doors open and she saw Ash, Carmen, and Ash’s beta walk in. She expected them to come for her at one time or another, but she did not expect it to happen that quickly. Still, she was ready for this confrontation and was determined at keeping Bella’s secret. “Interested in blowing some steam?” asked Taylor playfully, trying to control her breathing and to hide her nervousness. “No. Can we have a word… Luna.” Asked Ash solemnly. Taylor raised an eyebrow indicating her surprise and displease with Ash’s tone. She paused her training program on the treadmill and caught her towel to wipe her sweat off. She intentionally took her time, putting her tower back on the treadmill and walking slowly towards Ash. “Go ahead.” She said, standing tall in front of them. “Where were you during the peace treaty ceremony?” asked Rob. “Who are you to ask about my whereabouts?” retorted Taylor crossing her arms over her chest. “Luna Taylor, we are just trying to identify a person present in the crowd during the ceremony. If you were present at the venue, we were hoping you could help us find this person.” Explained Carmen. She glared at Rob irritated with his aggressiveness towards the Luna of this pack and, a Luna she is proud to call her friend. “I was mingling here and there. But I am afraid I cannot help you as I do not know a lot of people outside the Silver Moon and River Moon packs. Who are you looking for?” “I am looking for my mate, Taylor. My mate who you helped run away from me.” Spat Ash. “Why would your mate run away? And why would I help her run away?” challenged Taylor, furrowing her brows. “You tell me, Taylor.” Countercharged Ash. “If you have something to say to me, just say it Ash. I do not have time for word games.” “I have valid reasons to believe that you talked with my panicked mate during the ceremony.” “Oh really? May I know what are those alleged reasons?  Because I am certain I did not talk with anyone “panicked” during the event. Everyone was happy or pretending to be happy at least.” Taylor knew that her last sentence was a low blow, but Ash got on her nerves with his insistence and his accusatory tone. Sure, she did do whatever he is accusing her of doing; The irony did not go unnoticed on her. But this did not give me the right to talk down on her. “Yes, I noticed that us rogues are not welcome by everyone.” Snarled Rob, who never believed that pack members would welcome them in open arms. “It takes all kinds to make a world, Rob. You can decide to focus on the negatives, or you can be progressive and focus on how all packs not only signed the peace agreement, but they also welcomed rogues as new members already.” Challenged Taylor, silencing Rob, and his continuous skepticism. “You did not answer Ash. What are those reasons?” “I saw you talk to her.” “To whom?” “My mate, Taylor.” Taylor smiled, relieved to see that he is bluffing. Whatever those reasons are, they are just suspicions. Ash and his people have nothing tangible on her. “She is good.” Said Ash through the mind-link. “Her heartbeat did not change. Nor her breathing.” Stated Carmen. “Yet I know she is lying.” “How come?” “Her tone changed when she answered Carmen. She looked away for a microsecond when denying any knowledge. It was not very perceivable, but my Alpha senses are positive: she is lying.” “Let’s call this peace treaty off then and show them what it means to lie to us.” said Rob. “Rob, can you please stop with those suicidal ideas. Our people are finally happy since as long as I remember. I do not agree to jeopardize everything just because Ash’s mate decided to run away from him!” “They are keeping his mate away from him.” “No, they are NOT. She decided to leave. No one forced her.” “They could have convinced her to stay and face her mate. If her mate were a member of any pack, they would have done just that. But because her mate is a rogue, they were eager to help her bolt.” “Ash, please listen to me…” “Are you done mind-linking each other?” Huffed Taylor annoyed by this werewolf habit. “Taylor, I know that my mate if from the River Moon pack. And I can promise you that when I find her, I will make sure she never tries to run away from me every again.” “What are you saying Ash?” asked Carmen. “I am bluffing, and it worked! Did you see her face? I think my mate is from the River Moon Pack.” “Ash, yes, I did see her expression. But it could be a reaction to your violent statement. You basically told her that you will imprison or do something even worst to your mate.”  Ash knew that Carmen could be right, but his gut feeling told him that for Taylor to get involved in the exfiltration operation, this means his mate must be member of her pack. Taylor saw someone she knew in destress, she strolled towards her pack member and helped her out. “If this is how you plan to treat your mate, then she did a good thing running away.” Rebuked Taylor. “How dare you! You…” shouted Rob, fisting his hands and approaching menace towards Taylor. “Rob! Step down.” ordered Ash. Rob glared one more time at Taylor, who did not seem to be impressed nor scared, and took a few steps back. “Taylor, I just want to talk to her. She is my mate. She owes me an explanation for her odd behavior. No one runs away from their mate. You are human and you might not get it, but…” “Let me stop you right here Ash. I might be human, but I understand and respect the werewolf traditions. However, I also believe in free will. Your mate might feel and respect the mate bond, but she also has the right to doubt it. If she wants some distance to think this through, it is her right. You are not helping your cause but hunting her down.” “I am not hunting her down.” “You are going down a destructive path Ash.” “I am not!” growled Ash annoyed that everyone is criticizing his behavior. “Well, you sure scared your mate away with your reaction and you sure lost all common sense when you took the liberty to threaten the Luna of a pack. An allied pack.” “I…” “I am not done Ash.” Added Taylor raising her hand authoritatively to shush him. “If Ariel or Amber hesitated when meeting their mate and wanted some time alone to think it through. Would you want their mates to go on a manhunt or to respect their wishes?” Ash did not have an answer. For the first time since he felt his mate, he did not feel confident in his actions and decisions. If his sisters were feeling overwhelmed and scared after meeting their mates, would he help them escape to think it through? He thought about it, and he was convinced that he would have at least asked them to talk with their mates before leaving for some thinking & alone-time. Yes, the more he thought about it the more he was convinced that he would not have helped them run away… Not like that… Not like his mate. “And to make it clear Ash, going nuts just because your mate preferred to leave instead of facing you, threatening to lock your mate away once you find her…Would you like some guys to do the same to your sisters? Go and talk to your sisters Ash. Talk with your mother as well. Let them know you found your mate and ask for their guidance. I am positive they would advise you to stop all this craziness and to let her be.” “I will not let her BE, Taylor. Mark my words, I will find her. With or without your help. And when I find her, if I discover that you had something to do with her escape, I will tear the peace treaty up and I will personally punish you for your betrayal.” “What is happening here?! Who do you think you are threatening our Luna like that?!” roared Jeff as he entered the gym, his nostrils flaring and his chest puffing.
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