26 - Lifting the Tension

1169 Words

Jax Shiloh and I teamed up and threw together a quick dinner, but we only spoke when it was necessary. I could tell she was still upset, but she was trying to hide it. I fried a batch of pork chops while Shiloh prepared baked potatoes and green beans. When the food was done cooking, we sat together at the table, but the tension was almost unbearable. After just a few minutes, I couldn’t take it any longer. While cupping her free hand between mine, I affectionately murmured, “Shiloh, I don’t need or want anybody other than you. All my life, I have lived, knowing it would be the two of us, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!” “I love you, Jax. I can’t even begin to imagine a life without you. If I have to let one mate go to keep you in my life, then so be it!” she responded befor

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