7 - Easing the Pain

1099 Words
Jax It took a lot of self-restraint to not roll us over and mate with Shiloh. Her heat made that already heavenly scent of hers even more intoxicating. After a few minutes of lying on top of me, Shiloh’s rapid heart rate slowed down with her falling back to sleep. However, the heat radiating off of her body continued to rise. Every now and then, she would groan in her sleep, letting me know she was still experiencing a lot of pain. More than anything, I wished there was another way to take that pain away. At least an hour passed before I finally drifted to sleep, but I was awakened a short time later by Shiloh’s whining. She was no longer lying on top of me, and she was curled in a ball again. It was almost heartbreaking to see my mate and best friend trembling in pain. Right away, I pulled Shiloh back on top of me, and she immediately stretched out and sighed at the same time. “Kitten?” I whispered. “Huh?” she responded just above a whisper. “I love you,” I hummed, hugging her against me. “I love you,” she hoarsely mumbled before snuggling her face against my neck. When she lifted her head a few seconds later, Shiloh gazed into my eyes with an intensity like never before, as she timidly asked, “Can I have a kiss?” “Of course,” I breathed out. A split second later, her lips were massaging mine, igniting a fire deep inside of me. Shiloh hungrily kissed me while squirming on top of me, making the scent of her arousal even more overbearing. As soon as it got to be too much, I rolled us over and mumbled, “No more, kitten.” “Put your hands on me, Jax! I need to feel your touch more than ever,” she whined with her beautiful brown eyes darkened in lust. “Baby, you gotta quit tempting me. We can’t break our parents’ number one rule!” I recommended, needing the temptation to stop. “Please, mate! It’s not fair! Other shapeshifters are allowed to mate when they go into heat,” she complained, making me feel worse about her current situation. Unable to deny Shiloh what she needed, I slid the palm of my right hand down the side of her curvy body and stopped on her hip. I was holding myself up with my left hand and gazing into Shiloh’s eyes, allowing me to see the happiness and pleasure she felt in response to my touch. When I didn’t move my hand for several seconds, Shiloh laid a hand over mine, then she guided me to her mound. On impulse, I tried to pull my hand away, but she wasn’t having it. While making my fingers slide between her folds, Shiloh moaned out, “That feels so good, Jax. Please, don’t stop.” It wasn’t the first time we fooled around like that, but it also wasn’t something we did often. Simply because it would be so easy to get caught up in the moment. Since Shiloh clearly needed it at the moment, I kept my fingers where she wanted them and gave her the pleasure she was seeking, while leaving a trail of kisses across her collarbone. After just a few minutes, Shiloh’s back arched, as she bit down on her lower lip to stop herself from moaning too loudly. The second I smelled her juices, my cat went crazy with curiosity. Like me, he was dying to have a taste of her. I tried to resist the urge, but it was a failed attempt. After taking several deep inhales, I breathed out, “Can I taste you, kitten?” “Hell yes, you can,” she purred with a pleased smile lighting up her pretty face. I couldn’t mate with Shiloh yet, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t enjoy us being mates in other ways. Obviously, Shiloh was all for it, so I figured, why not? I scooted backward, working my way down her body with my lips, then I reached her delicious smelling mound. After taking one deep inhale, I buried my face between her legs, lapping up her juices and working my tongue to make her give me more. She tasted so sweet, I couldn’t get enough. When a third orgasm hit Shiloh, she screamed my name and moaned loudly, as her body shook uncontrollably, but I still wasn’t ready to stop. Instead, I continued lapping her juices and mumbling about how tasty she was. Out of nowhere, my bedroom door burst open, followed by my mum rushing into my room. “What are you doing? Please, tell me you two didn’t mate! Shiloh’s parents will kill me if you do!” she rambled, looking utterly frazzled. “Mum! We haven’t mated, and we’re not going to! I’m just easing my mate’s pain. Now get out!” I huffed, feeling a bit frazzled myself. “You are going to be the death of me! I swear, if you break our rules, I am going to be so pissed,” she grumbled on her way out. I glanced up and locked eyes with Shiloh, then we both burst out in laughter. The last thing either of us expected was my mum to barge in when I was giving Shiloh pleasure. It was great to see Shiloh smiling and laughing again. I knew it would be a rare occurrence until her heat ended, so I made it a point to enjoy her smile while I could. After using my tongue to give Shiloh another orgasm, I lied down beside my satisfied mate and drowsily mumbled, “I hope that helps for a little bit. Now, I’m ready for a nap. If the pain comes back, be sure to wake me up.” “Thanks, Jax. It helped a lot,” Shiloh mumbled in return, sounding just as drowsy. The rest of that day and most of the next day consisted of ice baths, sleeping, and a lot of licking. Every time the pain got to be too much for Shiloh, I would do my best to give her as much pleasure as I could without actually mating. It was strange how licking her was enough to keep us both satisfied. I wasn’t receiving any pleasure whatsoever, besides the pleasure of seeing a smile on my mate’s face, but I didn’t care in the least. All I cared about was making sure Shiloh was happy and comfortable.
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