Chapter 14

962 Words

Chapter 14 - Against All Odds  Myles watched Diana mulch on the food he had bought for Diana at a close eatery and that made him hungry. "Whenever that man calls you, you don't have to go, Diana. Learn to defy some wishes to save your own life," Myles spoke up when he suddenly remembered her encounter with his father. She stopped and looked up from her food. They were sitting in Myles car. "Henry promised to buy me food and I had not eaten since yesterday after we broke up. What was I supposed to do?" She pouted and Myles groaned. "Don't let people win you over with just food, Diana. I'm the only one who's supposed to buy you food and no one else. Okay? If anyone offers to buy your food, say you have Myles Winchell. He'll do that for me," Myles said proudly and Diana chuckled with a

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