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Chapter Eleven - I Said I Like You 1:43 am Diana sat in Myles hall and waited for him to get the first aid kit to treat her cut but Myles wasn't coming. He was intentionally keeping long to prevent Diana from leaving. He loved having her around and it'll break his heart to have her gone again. Her demeanor brought warmth to his heart and he had never longed for anyone's presence the way he desired to have Danger around. He cherished complications, and she was a very great challenge for him. She was denying the feelings she had for him but he only knew it wouldn't be so long. "Myles? Are you sure you have a first aid kit?" She called. It was getting late and she had to get to the slum before they closed the main door. "Of course, just give me a minute," Myles yelled back with a smirk.

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