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The man's laughter echoed throughout the household. Manang immediately gave him a slight tap to stop him from laughing. "What? Isn't it funny?" the man said to the old lady. Manang just shook her head with disbelief and then faced me again. She opened her mouth to speak, but she immediately stopped midway. It was as if she couldn't find the right answer to my question. "Raya, I can not answer you right now," she stated. "The only thing I can tell you is that Senyorito's situation is difficult. You should not approach him carelessly, so I forbid you to step on the second floor." I bit my lower lip at the conscience flowing through my system. "I'm sorry. I did not follow your instructions," I said shyly. Manang just smiled at me sparingly. "But how did you do that?" the man inserted. I frowned at him. "Which one?" "What did you do? How did you get him back to normal?" Then he turned to Manang. "He's still... okay?" he asked the old woman. Manang nodded slowly and then turned her attention to me as well. "What happened earlier, Raya?" I slowly swallowed the invisible lump in my throat as my memories poured out. How I went from shocked, pitying, and scared. I admit, I started to have doubts about Seniorito, I wanted to get angry at him for trying to hurt me earlier. But on the other hand, I couldn't stop myself from understanding him. He's not on his own self, I'm sure of that. What I just don't understand—by the way the man burst out laughing earlier— I'm sure what I am thinking was wrong. If he was not possessed by the devil's spirit, what happened to him then? Why were his eyes changed like that? "I went into the room to ask for permission. Then I saw him tied up, I thought..." I was embarrassed to look at Manang. "I thought you blackmailed Seniorito, like abuse." I bit my lower lip when Manang's eyes dilated in shock, the man with us could not stop giggling. "Mortal moments," I heard the man exclaim. I ignored him and turned my attention back to Manang. "Then I tried to wipe him. H-he woke up and suddenly he..." I unconsciously swallowed. "Kissed my neck." "Did he bite you?" I was surprised when the man with us was in a serious state. He quickly went to my place and without an ado he tugged my hair. It was only then that I noticed that I was wearing different clothes. A white oversized v-neck shirt. I'm sure it's from a man. "You have no bite marks," he said and walked away from me. Suddenly, I was scared. Different ideas came to my mind again. Is Seniorito's case related to cannibalism? I was sweating coldly when I remembered what he had said earlier. He said I have a sweet scent, jeez! My soap is just a safeguard. But . . . am I what he is referring to? Isn't that how cannibals are? Just by the smell, they can already taste its flesh. I quickly grabbed Manang's arm. "I'm not going to die here, am I?" "Oh, fvck!" the man said and laughed uncontrollably while holding onto his bandaged stomach. "Oh, damn! My wound." I glared at him. "You are not going to stop?" "What? Is it bad to laugh?" he said back. I gritted my teeth. "Yes, it's bad if it's insulting." He let out a whistle and then pocketed his hand. For a moment he glanced at my whole being. Gradually, the edge of his lip lifted. "Why did you go up there?" he asked a question. I couldn't stop myself from answering him sarcastically, "Are you nuts? You heard my explanation, didn't you? I'm leaving without Manang's approval." His mouth parted. "Earlier you called me a dog, now nuts?" Then he dramatically held his chest. My eyebrows met at what he said. I don't remember calling him that. If I were going to utter a word, it would not be a dog. I would call him an adonis because of his naked body. "You can text me next time, Raya," Manang whispered. I lowered my head with embarrassment. "I don't have a cellphone," I said lowly. I have to prioritize my daily expenses, so my last priority has been the cellphone ever since. Even the keypad phone has a price like a sack of rice, so it was really difficult for me to provide my own phone. They were silent for a moment. "Whose number did you put on the resume?" Manang asked. "It's my neighbor's." I bit my lower lip; embarassed. I felt like it was my fault for everything that happened. We were in such a situation when suddenly an alarm alerted us. I immediately felt Manang's tension while she was looking at the second floor. I even seem to be affected by that. "The alpha," she said and moved quickly to go up the stairs. Alpha? Where did I hear that? The man with us immediately followed her, so I could do nothing but join them as well. I don't know if they noticed that I am also following them, because they were too focused to get to Seniorito's room right away. The shiver returned to my chest when I heard the man's screams. He seems to be losing himself again. "Beta, hold the alpha," I heard Manang command. They were already in the room, while I remained standing at the side of the door. Preparing myself for the second time I will see Seniorito. "s**t! My wound is about to open." It was the man who's with Manang. I felt difficulty in their situation so I decided to go in— to offer some help. But for the second time I entered his room, I was rooted in my place. Not because of Seniorito's miserable situation, but because of his frightening appearance. His eyes were in mixed black and gold again. He kept screaming with his cracked, deep voice. But what made me shiver was. . . his long sharp nails and fangs. He is not human. That's one thing I'm sure of. Manang was injecting something at him. I think it was a sedative because just a few seconds later, Seniorito gradually calmed down from shouting. I watched his chest rise and fall because of the heavy breathing. "My mate..." he uttered, eyes half-closed. "She's here." At these times, his voice was no longer too deep. Like before, when the two of us faced each other, he seemed to be on his normal self again now. "Alpha, Zhen is not here. For Pete's sake, forget about her," the man with Manang said angrily. Seniorito shook his head weakly. "No. My... other... mate is here." They were silent after that. Soon, Manang and the man with her were able to roam their eyes around the room. Their eyes both widened when they saw me with them. "R-Raya," Manang stammered. Trembling with fear, I looked at her seriously. "What kind of creature did I see, Manang?" I could see her swallowing hard. She was about to answer when the man with us preceded her. "He's a werewolf... our Alpha."
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