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It has been two days since I started working at the mansion. Everything was nice and not difficult for me, even though Manang and I were the only two who cleaned the whole house. Cleaning, cooking, and rest, repeat. That's how my days went by. "Raya?" I heard the lady call outside my room. That's what she has called me ever since I came to the mansion. She was having difficulty with pronouncing Faraiah, so she gave me a nickname instead. Well, that's okay with me because it's not ugly to hear. I got up quickly from my bed and went to the door. I opened it for her. "Do you need anything, Manang?" I asked as soon as I opened the door. "I will be buying some stuff at the market. I will be right back before lunch." There I noticed the folded eco bag tucked into her armpit. "Okay, Manang. Do you want me to go with you?" I suggested. She shook her head quickly. "No, I can do this by myself. Make sure you take care of the house while I am not around, understood?" I answered her with a sparing nod. She then turned around. I watched her walk away for a moment before I closed the door again and went back to my bed. "s**t!" I exclaimed after realizing that I had a schedule for today. I moved quickly to chase the old lady, but I didn't even see her shadow when I got out of the house. "Today is the schedule of my enrollment at the nearby school," I whispered and slapped my forehead. Unconciously, I looked at the mansion. I am allowed to leave the house, but since I didn't inform Manang in advance about my plan, she might look for me when she gets home. Suddenly, someone popped inside my mind. There are only three of us living in the house. If I couldn't ask permission from Manang, maybe I could ask him instead? I bit my lower lip when I recalled Manang's order. I hesitated quickly. But if I left without noticing anyone about my disappearance, I might lose my job, right? Though she ordered me not to go up to the second floor. She didn't say that I was not allowed to meet Seniorito, did she? "Argh! Faraiah," I said frustratedly and pulled my hair. "It's just the same! You're still going up to the second floor to ask for permission!" I added. I heaved out a sigh and decided to just wait for the head maid for an hour. If she couldn't come back right away, my second choice was to go to Seniorito and tell him about my plan. Even if I disobeyed Manang's order not to go upstairs, that's much better than being scolded for leaving without telling anyone. Someone might have mistaken me for a thief who stole something and suddenly ran away. I was about to go back inside the house when I heard a faint whimper. I frowned and walked towards the source of the noise until I reached the backyard of the mansion. I was momentarily stunned by the image that unfolded before me. In my twenty-two years of existence, this was the first time I saw this kind of . . . dog? Its fur was a mixture of white and black. It has ears, a tail, and feet that look like an ordinary animal. But to compare it with a normal dog, it seemed like it's five times bigger. It was lying down on the ground and frowning. It was only then that I noticed his bloody stomach. I immediately got nervous that it would almost overwhelm the fear I was feeling. I walked over to him and examined his wound. The wound was deep, but it could still be healed. I quickly stood up and ran inside the mansion to find a first aid kit. When I found one, I went back to the wounded creature. "Sssh, it's okay. I'll treat you," I comforted him while cleaning his wound. It was still mumbling, but unlike before, it was calmer. After I cleansed his wound, I applied medicine all over the wounded part. I don't know if that will work for the animal, but it is much better if I do something. Next, I put the bandage around the dog. I smiled sparingly when it stopped moaning. I gently and carefully stroked its lush fur. I was amazed. "I can't carry you. You can rest here until you get well," I said. I stopped caressing him and my lips parted as it slowly nodded its head. It seemed to understand what I have said. "You look like a well-trained dog," I said excitedly. I was startled when he suddenly barked at me, followed by a faint howl. "What happened? Is there anything hurt?" I am crazy to speak to an animal that can't talk. "Ssshh. That is okay. Behave now, someone might hear you and later think that you brought some bad news." And I stroked its fur again to calm it down. I couldn't help but laugh because he suppressed his barking. It seemed like it was quietly complaining because of what I said. I wonder who the owner of this dog is? Surely someone owns it because its fur is well-cared for. Moreover, it was smart and looked well-trained. I just hope he recovers quickly so it can go back to where it came from. I stayed a few minutes next to the poor creature. When I noticed that he was asleep, I decided to go back inside the mansion to prepare for my departure plan. The old lady has not come back yet. It is turning eleven o'clock already. I had to get back right before lunch. I had no other choice but to go up to the second floor to tell Seniorito about my errand. My knees almost twitched as I climbed the stairs. I am just thinking about the head maid preaching to me. I am already nervous. I let out a deep breath as I finally reached the top. It felt like a thorn had pulled out from my chest despite the problem that I was about to face. I roamed my eyes across the second floor for a moment and was stunned to notice that there was nothing unusual there — except for the three consecutive rooms. I scratched my head, wondering which one belonged to Seniorito. I can't open all the doors without someone's permission. Soon I noticed the difference between the three of them. The two rooms have a normal handle, while the latter is gold. I don't know if that was real gold or just paint spray. And because that one was quite different, I decided to go there. I prepared myself for a few seconds before trying to knock. "S-señorito?" I called. My heart almost pounded in my chest waiting for his response, but a minute passed by, yet I still didn't get an answer. I bit my lower lip because of the weird ideas that entered my mind. What if he really has a disability? What if he is mute? Lame? Blind? Of course, he couldn't answer me right away. I sighed before knocking on his door once again. "Seniorito, this is Faraiah. I am your new maid here. I am sorry but I am coming in, if you mind." I still waited a few seconds for his response but, just like before, I heard nothing. If he objected to my entry in his room, maybe he would make a noise to let me know that it was against him? I bravely turned the door lock and gently opened it. "Seniorito?" I called softly, informing him about my presence. The masculine smell of the room kept coming to me. The room was dark and the only light showing was from the door that I was slowly opening. "I guess I chose the wrong door," I whispered to myself. But then I took a deep breath when the light consumed the whole room because of the widely open door. A shocking image exposed before me that I never thought was ever possible. So maybe the old head maid doesn't want me to come here to the second floor because she is abusively mistreating our boss! A man was handcuffed and unconscious, sitting on the floor. His top coat was bare and he was only wearing his pants. Even though, I was still far away from him and it wasn't that bright, I could still notice his ruddy wrist. Maybe it was caused by the iron handcuffs attached to him. "S—Seniorito..."
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