Chapter 4

1971 Words
Logan's POV  I let go of the filthy hybrid, like Marvin asked, and walked away reluctantly, Ian and Tyler following close behind. My wolf Levi was angry, he wanted to go back and finish what we started. He was also angry with Marvin for not letting us have our fun. "He's too soft on her. He always comes to her aid," he snarled. "I know, he's done it since she was little. He's the one who found her in the first place. I can't believe he convinced my father to let her stay." "He must have given a convincing argument. Too bad she wasn't older. Maybe then he would have killed her for being so close to our territory." We walked out of the woods and towards the pack house. Marvin was right, I was missing my lesson on international wolf law. I hated all the studying this role required. I didn't understand why I couldn't just find someone else to do the useless work for me and just focus on the punishment and rule enforcement side. "I have to go up to my father's office for some lesson on international law," I said, turning to Tyler and Ian. "I'll come find you when I'm done." "Sounds good," Ian said, giving me a fist bump. "We'll go find something to occupy our time with," Tyler said with a wink. They both left and headed in the direction of the lake. Around this time of year there were bound to be some hot she-wolves going for a swim. I started making my way to my father's office. He was the one to usually give me my lessons. When he wasn't available, it was Gamma Dylan's job. I planned to make Ian my Beta and Tyler my Gamma when I took over. They had been my best friends since we were pups, so it just made sense. They both shared the same values and ideas about running a pack; I knew I could trust them. I walked into my father's office, not bothering to knock. This will be my office in a matter of days. "Logan, where have you been? Do you know how late you are?" He was angry, but I knew he wouldn't take it out on me. I was his only son and heir; nothing could touch me. I went into the office and took a seat in one of the chairs across from his desk. "Sorry, I had a little encounter with the hybrid in the woods. Marvin stopped me from having a little fun with her." "What were you planning to do?" "Just slap her around a little. Nothing too painful. I wasn't in a fighting mood." "Be that as it may, as the future Alpha, you need to prioritize these things. People don't take kindly to lateness. I'll have a talk with Marvin about her. He sometimes forgets what her place is here, but that won't be a problem much longer." "Why do you say that?" "Because once she turns 18 tomorrow, I'm sending her away. I can't risk her being here for your Alpha ceremony. The Lycan King is planning to come, along with neighboring Alpha's and Luna's. We have to make sure everything is perfect; we can't show any signs of weakness. We also can’t risk her mating with one of their pack members." "The Lycan king? He’s coming?” I was shocked. Usually, he never comes to werewolf Alpha ceremonies. “Yes, I just got the updated guest list and his names on it. He must know how important this pack is and how important you are as an Alpha.” This was fantastic, it would be a great time to show how superior we are to them. They always think they’re so amazing because their Lycan’s are different, but we all know it’s a facade. "We know the truth. We'll show him how powerful this pack is going to be once we whip it into shape." Levi said proudly. “Good call, though I will miss the easy target she is, but I agree she can’t be here any longer." "You'll have an entire pack to run, you'll be too busy for such childish games. You’ll find someone else to take your frustrations out on. Now go to Gamma Dylan's office. Since you're so late, I don't have time for your lesson today." "Yes father." I stood up and headed to the second floor, this was going to be torture. Three hours later, I was finally leaving the Gamma's office. He had kept me there longer on purpose as punishment for me being late. I couldn’t remember most of what he had told me. It was so much jargon and legal talk; I had a hard time following anything. I descended the stairs to the first floor, intending to go find Tyler and Ian. That’s when I saw Alexis walking in my direction, her light brown hair perfectly curled and falling around her face.. "Hey hot stuff," she said, jumping on me and wrapping her legs around my waist. Both her hands were behind my neck, pulling me close as she kissed me. I kissed her back, holding her with both hands under her a**. "I’ve been looking for you everywhere," she said, pulling back to look at me. "Sorry, I had a lesson on international law." "Well, now that you’re done, I wanted to see if you wanted to come swimming with us. Tyler, Ian, Lindsay, and Abby are already at the lake." "Absolutely," I told her, setting her back on her feet. Usually, swimming just ended in people disappearing in the woods to have s*x, and I was not about to pass that up. "So, I was thinking we could do my Luna ceremony a few weeks after your Alpha ceremony." She said casually s we walked. "Whoa, slow you’re roll. Who said you’re gonna be the Luna?" I was surprised at her thinking. Just because we are together now didn’t mean we would be together forever. I still wanted my fated mate. I planned to wait for her and make her my Luna. Alexis was just something easy to fu*k until that time. "Well, I just assumed….. I mean we’re together, so shouldn’t it be me?" "I still want my fated mate and you know that. A chosen bond is not nearly as strong as a fated one. If she doesn’t come within the next few years, then maybe we’ll talk." She got quiet, looking straight ahead. I noticed her eyes flash from blue to brown as her wolf, Ariel, pushed to the surface. I’m sure she wanted to argue with me, but she knew better. As we made our way towards the lake, we spotted Julianna coming out of the woods. "What the he** is she doing coming out of the woods?" Alexis asked. "I have no idea, I caught her going in too." "Hey hybrid!" Alexis screeched. I knew she was pi**ed at me, so Julianna was about to take the full force of her anger. Julianna looked in our direction, quickly trying to beeline in the opposite direction. "Do you really think you can get away from us?" Alexis picked up her pace as she yelled out, letting go of my hand and almost running at Julianna. I sauntered behind her, excited to see what was about to happen. Alexis came up behind Julianna fast. We had our wolves, so we were able to move quicker than her. Julianna’s hair was up in a ponytail, Alexis grabbed it, yanking her sideways to the ground. Julianna rolled over, propping herself on her elbows. "Please, I’m not doing anything. Why can’t you just leave me alone?" "Don’t worry, soon everyone will be leaving you alone," I sneered. "What’s that supposed to mean?" "You’ll find out soon enough." I looked up and caught sight of Marvin looking at us from the tree line. "Come on," I said to Alexis, taking her hand. "We can finish this later." She glared at Julianna but walked away with me. "Why did you do that?" She asked. "I saw Marvin coming, he already got on my case once today about harassing her. I just didn’t feel like getting you into trouble. He wouldn’t do anything to me, but he might to you." "He’s always too soft on her. You can tell he likes her. It’s disgusting." "I know, but he won’t be Beta for much longer. Once I take over, it won’t matter. Actually, after tomorrow it won’t matter. "What do you mean?" She questioned. "My dad told me, once she turns 18 tomorrow, he’s ordering her to leave the pack. He doesn’t want her here for my ceremony. The Lycan King is coming." "The Lycan King!" She squealed out. "How prestigious. I hope he brings a lot of warriors. "Why? What do you think is gonna happen?" "Hey, if you don’t want me as your Luna, maybe I can find a hot warrior to f*ck." I stopped walking now. I grabbed her hand and turned her to face me. "WHAT!” I roared at her. "Don’t forget, until I find my mate, you’re mine!" I grabbed her face, bringing her close to me. "No one else will have you while I do." I kissed her hard, to remind her who she was talking to. She kissed me back vigorously. She liked it when I was rough with her. I let go of her hand and gave her a** a hard slap. "Say it, say you’re mine." "I’m yours," she breathed out. I could smell her arousal and Levi was growling in my head to take her here and now. "Fu*k swimming," I said to her. I picked her up and ran us both into the woods. I slammed her back into a large oak tree, causing it to shake. Her hands were already undoing the belt on my jeans, pulling them all the way down to my ankles. I turned her around, shoving her face and body into the trunk of the tree. She put her hands up to brace herself, groaning out as I quickly pulled her leggings and underwear down, kissing up the back of her thigh as I stood up. Using my foot, I spread her legs wide, reaching in between her legs, stroking her all the way down her slit, jamming a finger inside her forcefully. "Fu*k Logan, yes." I wasn’t waiting for anything else; I grabbed my rock hard di*k, and shoved it inside her. She inhaled sharply, and I felt her walls tighten around me. I wasn’t doing anything slowly, I pumped in and out of her hard. She was moaning out in pleasure, as I felt her clench her insides. I reached around the front of her and started rubbing her cl*t. Alexis threw her head back and I took the opportunity to grab her hair and hold her head back. I thrusted into her repeatedly, listening to her call out my name as she convulsed against me. Finally, I felt her shudder as her walls tightened again and her org*sm took over her entire consciousness. Feeling her tightening around me caused me to fall over the edge. I shot everything I had inside of her, pumping even harder because it felt so good. Once I was done spurting everything into Alexis, I kissed her neck before pulling out. "Da*n, that was great," I told her as I pulled my pants back up. "You should talk about fu*king other people more often." I kissed her again, helping her draw her leggings back up. "Maybe next time you’re pi**ed at me, we can go to your room, and you can tie me down." She placed her arms around my neck. "I love you." "I love you too."
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