Chapter 7

1943 Words
Julianna's POV I woke up in the middle of the night, with a start. It felt like someone had touched my face. Sitting up, I looked around my room, but I didn’t see anything. The clock on my nightstand told me it was a little after midnight. I laid my head back on my pillow when I heard a voice, but it wasn't coming from anywhere in my room. It was coming from inside my head. "Hi Julianna, my name is Sofia, I'm your wolf." "Hi Sofia, it's nice to finally meet you." Not only could I hear her, but I could also see her in my mind. She looked huge from what I could tell, with jet black fur and the same amber eyes as me. "You're very beautiful," I told her, sending a smile across her face. "Thank you, just a reflection of my wonderful human. " "How do you know I'm wonderful? You just met me," I joked. "I can just tell, now go back to sleep. We can talk more in the morning." "Okay, good night," I said to her. "Good night." I woke up in the morning around 8:00. Usually, my mom would have woken me up by now to go to breakfast with everyone else. "Maybe she's letting us sleep in since it's our birthday." I jumped at Sofia's words, forgetting she had come to me last night. "Geeze, I forgot you were there!" She laughed at me, and it sounded like a bark. "You'll get used to it." I got out of bed and went to search for my mom. The smell of cooking sausage hit my nose before I even opened my door. I knew it was because I had my wolf now. That meant my senses would be sharper, my reflexes would be faster, and I would finally be able to heal faster. Not knowing where I came from had me wondering how fast I would be able to heal. Ranked members like Alpha's and Betas, and those who come from Alpha or Beta blood could heal things like broken bones in a matter of minutes. Omegas could heal faster but not as fast. I found my mom in the kitchen cooking everything imaginable. There were pancakes, sausage, bacon, toast, even fresh squeezed orange juice. She turned around when she heard me enter the kitchen. "Good morning! Happy Birthday!" "Morning, and thanks!" "Help yourself to some breakfast. I made all your favorites." "It looks amazing," I told her, grabbing a plate and piling it high with some of everything. She flipped the last of the bacon onto a plate and started piling it with some for herself. We sat down at the table and began to eat together. "Have you heard from your wolf yet?" She asked. "I did! I woke up a little after midnight and she was there. Her name is Sofia." "Well, Terri and I can't wait to meet her tonight." My mom's wolf was named Terri. I had only seen her a couple of times because she didn't need to shift as often since she wasn't the Gamma female anymore. "Maybe we could all shift and go for a run." "Yeah, that would be nice." We continued to eat until my mom spoke again. "Oh, I need to go to the pack house today and finish up the design of Logan's cake for his Alpha ceremony. Did you want to come with me?" Since being demoted from the position of Gamma female, my mom worked planning pack functions. "Yeah, why not?" I figured Logan wouldn't be anywhere near the kitchen. "Okay, well go after I finish cleaning up the kitchen." "I can help you," I offered. "No, don't be silly. It's your birthday. You just go upstairs and get ready; I'll take care of the mess." "Thanks, mom," I said, getting up and giving her a kiss on the cheek. I headed back upstairs to shower and put some clothes on. After a nice hot shower, I put on some jean shorts, a T-shirt, and sandals. It was hot where our pack was in the summer. I went back downstairs after about an hour to find my mom sitting on the couch reading a book. "You look nice," she said, taking in my outfit. "Thanks," I replied with a smile. "She's right, you do look beautiful," Sofia said. "You have to say that you're a part of me." "I could just keep my mouth shut," She laughed. "Are you ready to go?" My mom asked, pulling me out of my conversation with Sofia. "Yes, let's go," I said, grabbing my purse. We started the long walk to the pack house. We didn't come across many people; most pack members were probably still at breakfast or enjoying their Sunday with their families. We walked into the lobby of the pack house; my mom went to walk into the kitchen, but I stopped. "I have to use the bathroom. I'll meet you in the kitchen." She walked straight and I went to the left to use one of the bathrooms. When I was done, I made my way in the direction of the kitchen. I was just passing the dining hall when I saw Logan coming out. Instead of retreating like I usually do, I noticed a mouthwatering smell, it was like sandalwood and bergamot. It was filling me up, setting my senses on fire, and I had to know where it was coming from. I locked eyes with Logan and to my horror Sofia said something that made me want to vomit. "Mate!" "What?...." "Mate, he's our mate!" "No. No, he can't be." This was impossible, there was no way the person who hated me the most in this world was my mate. "We have to go to him!" Sofia said. "Are you crazy? He hates us, he's made our life a living he** for 15 years. There's no way we're mated to him." "Wait, really?" “Yes! I'm rejecting him." "Wait, maybe he can change. Maybe there's a chance." "I don't want to give it a chance. Not even for a second." The look on Logan's face confused me. There were hints of anger, frustration, but also something else. Was it lust? Or possibly happiness? That couldn't be possible. I walked myself in his direction, set in my idea of what I was about to do. Standing directly in front of him seemed to have been a mistake because his scent was overwhelming. I was craving his touch, for him to pull me in his arms and kiss me. Goddess, I had to fight this. "I, Julianna Parker, of the October Moon Pack reject you, Logan Russ...." I didn't get to finish my sentence as something hard hit my face. My hand flew to my cheek where Logan had slapped me. I turned my head back to face him, unable to believe what he had just done. He was glaring at me, deep hatred apparent all over his face, but again there was something else. "You think you have the power to reject me? You, and insignificant filthy hybrid? I'm the son of an Alpha, you can't reject me! How dare you try and humiliate me in front of my pack!" I looked around for help, but everyone was attempting to ignore the situation that was unfolding as they spilled out of the dining room. "Accept my rejection," I pleaded. "We both know you don't want me as your mate, you hate me." "Of course, I don't want you, but that doesn't mean I don't need you." He inhaled deeply, taking in my scent, his eyes glowed as his wolf was on the surface. He reached towards me. I thought to slap me again, so I recoiled; but he grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled me close to him. I tried to resist, but being this close to him and the mate bond made my legs weak. His scent was strong with only a few inches between us. It was making me dizzy, and I could feel my desire for him becoming stronger. Da*n this mate bond. I wanted to be repulsed by this man, to get as far away from him as possible, but every fiber in me was yearning for him to touch me. To kiss me, bring me close to him and caress my insides. "I don't understand, why do you need me? You could have Alexis as your Luna." He laughed at me, still holding on to my hair. "I don't need you as my Luna, but an Alpha is stronger when his fated mate is around. I think I'll have some fun with you for a while. I'll be back for you." He inhaled one last time before releasing my hair. I watched him walk away, making sure he was really gone before running for the nearest bathroom. I burst into the stall, leaning over the toilet, and threw up everything in my body. This can't be happening. Why was I being mated to such a horrible wolf? Was this the Moon Goddess' idea of a sick joke? I had to find a way out of this, I could not survive being this man's plaything. It didn't make any sense. Why wouldn't he accept my rejection? He could mate and mark Alexis, making her the Luna. A chosen bond could still have children and be perfectly fine. I sat back against the bathroom wall, pulling my knees to my chest and burying my face in them. How had my entire life come to this? "Julianna?" My head snapped up when I heard Naomi's voice in my head. I forgot I could mind link people in the pack now. "Julia, where are you?" "First floor bathroom." About a minute later, I heard the door creak open, and footsteps enter the bathroom. Naomi must have been in the dining hall. I'm sure she heard everything that happened. The stall door opened, and Naomi's large brown eyes came down to my level. Her curly red hair was pulled back into a messy bun. "I heard what happened, are you okay?" All I could do was shake my head as the tears began running down my face. She gave me a hug. "It's gonna be okay." "How? How is this gonna be okay? I’m mated to the person who hates me the most in this pack, and he won't let me reject him." She pulled away from the hug but kept her hands on my arms. "I know, I heard him. I don't know what his game is, what is he getting out of not accepting your rejection?" "I don't know, he has Alexis." "He's probably just trying to torture you some more." "As if he hasn't done enough in fifteen years." She smiled at me sympathetically. "Happy birthday by the way." "Thanks, I definitely won't forget this birthday." We both laughed and she slid in next to me, wrapping her arm around my shoulder. I leaned my head against her, and we sat together in silence. "I bet the Alpha will make him reject you. There's no way he'll allow Logan to stay mated to you. Once that happens, you'll be free." "I hope so. If not, I'm not sure what I'm going to do.” "Come on, let's get out of this bathroom and then we can talk more. We can go talk to your mom." She stood up and offered her hand to me, pulling me to my feet. Wrapping her arm around my shoulder, she started leading me out of the bathroom.
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