Chapter Nine

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The calmness around Jude frightened me more than when he was yelling at me. His hands rubbed the steering wheel as if he was nervous about something. I wasn't so sure if he knew I was looking at him but he wasn't looking my way. He'd either watch the road or stare out his window. I turned out my own window to stare into the rainy night. I've never been this far from home and watching the unfamiliar buildings fly by made me feel lost. I wanted to see Jake again, to know he was alright. I wanted to tell him I was alright even though I was under the control of a moody vampire who could kill me at any time. My attention went back to Jude. Why hasn't he killed me yet? I'm nothing special to him. We stopped in front of a bright building and I peeked up to see the letterings at the top of the roof. Now Playing: Night of the Screaming Witch. A movie theater? He took me to a movie theater?! When I turned back to him he had already slammed his door shut and was walking around to mine. He opened it and stepped aside as if I was walking on the red carpet. Without waiting, I jumped out and stepped back from him. I didn't want to set him off again by being to slow or too close. He sighed and walked into the building with me at his heels. He was taking me to see a movie and wasn't even going to talk to me? At least tell me not to talk to you. He pulled cash from his pocket and handed it to the lady on the other side of the counter. "Are you hungry?" He asked, not looking down at me. He was staring up at the popcorn menu. I just shook my head and turned away from him. There was a low growl from him but I pretended not to hear it. When I turned back to him he wasn't standing there. He was already half way down one of the halls heading into a theater room. I ran after him and into the dark almost deserted room. The movie had already began and I noticed Jude sitting at the very top rows. Should I go up there and sit next to him? Maybe he doesn't want me too. Why were we here? The beginning credits started with a loud bang, making me jump. I hurried up to sit next to Jude. His eyes were glued to the screen and I couldn't tell if he was annoyed or really into the movie. Either way, I left enough room between us so I wasn't touching him. I had to squint against the bright screen as the movie rolled on. The screams made me cringe every time it echoed through the room and I could have sworn I saw a smile cross Jude's face when the young teenage girl got her throat ripped out. I ended up at the other end of my chair, squished against the arm rest just to get away from him. I didn't want to be here. I'd rather be in my room alone. I'd rather not be anywhere with Jude alone. But I wasn't about to argue with him. My eyes stayed glued on the big screen for the next hour and forty five minutes. ** My toes dug into the warm sand as I watched across the blue ocean. These are the days I was thankful to be here. The world was falling around us all but I sat here, free and happy. Brienne caught my eye down by the shore as she splashed through the water, her long, light brown hair flying in the wind. She was very pale but looked orange against the setting sun. Her company made me feel even more welcomed. I got to my feet and threw my shirt to the ground. Before my feet hit the cold water, I let out an excited scream. ~~~ Jake sat at the table with his head in his hands. I knew something had happened but I didn't ask. I was too afraid to. Who was it this time? Brienne whimpered on the floor, her knees hugged to her chest and tears falling. No, he was just here. I remember seeing him! I turned to catch Jake's glare then turned out the door into the darkness of the night. It was cold. My breath fogged up in front of my face. I usually never went out during the night but it was one of those nights that being cooped up in the house was unbearable. It's been awhile since one of our people went missing so the emotions were strong. This wasn't happening. They were getting closer and I started fearing for my own life. ~~~ Shhh, there was a sound at the foot of the bed. Don't move! Maybe whatever it is won't notice see me laying here. Was it one of them? Are they going to kidnap me?! I tried not to whimper loud. Oh no! The foot of the bed sunk in. They're climbing on the bed. I close my eyes tight as the heavy body is now hovering close to my face. Then, it's as if the body was lifted into the air. There was no sound except that annoying ring in my ears. Should I see if they're gone? Maybe make a run for the door... Was it a dream? I take a deep breath after five minutes of pondering and peak out from under the blanket. At first, nothing but darkness. The same old room I slept in every night shined against the full moon outside. That's when I looked up into those blood thirsty eyes. I barely get time to scream before I was ripped from the comfort of my bed and into their world... ** I jumped out of the sleep I unknowingly fell into and stared around the dark theater. The screen was black and the lights were off. For a moment, I thought I was alone. How long have I been sleeping? And where was everyone? I turned to see Jude leaning back in his seat, staring off through the dark. He didn't look my way as I leaned forward. "W-what's going on?" I asked. His eyes shot to me then quickly away. He was like a statue. A very angry statue. His jaw clenched and he was on his feet before I could blink. Slowly, he started down the stairs as if waiting for me to catch up. I didn't hesitate. Despite not wanting to be left behind in an unknown place where you could easily be someone's dinner, I didn't want to make him any angrier than he looked. I was at his heels as we burst from the doors into the bright halls. He didn't even flinch against the lights like I did. I covered my eyes as I continued to walk. Every time I tried opening my eyes, black spots blurred my vision. It was difficult to walk without seeing where I went and someone in front of me didn't appreciate it. "Watch it, human!" a man growled as I ran into him. I gasped and jump backwards. Still unable to see right, I bowed my head at him and didn't answer. "Well? Are you going to apologize?" When the colorful floor came into view, I looked up into his pale, angry face. He was taller than me by a couple feet and very handsome. His dirty blonde hair spiked up, making him look more frightening than he normally would have. His hand raised and I flinched as it neared my face but it didn't connect. Jude had caught his hand in mid air. He gave the stranger a death stare with deep, red eyes. They stood there glaring at each other. Did they know each other? The boy dropped his hand and scowled at Jude. "Keep your slave on a leash," The boy growled. Jude's upper lip curved under his teeth, showing off long, sharp fangs. A hiss escaped from Jude and for the first time since I met him, I felt safe hiding behind him. All that was going to pass when we were alone. He will probably beat me until I couldn't stand. My hand was soon in Jude's and I was being pulled from the building and the remaining on lookers. Once we were inside his car, I glanced over in surprise. He just saved me when he could have left me to that man. He was mad that I fell asleep, I know that much. But why would he be angry with me one minute and not the next? And why did he bring me here?
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