Chapter 50

1034 Words

Chapter 54-02 "Girl! I think you've been around this white folks for long you're now having a loose nut or possibly taking crack." I laugh which she frowns. "Okay that's the most absurd thing I've heard from your mouth like ever. Are you high?" I try l touching her face for any type of disorder checking her eyes first. "First you said they're Princes and now they've evolved from royals to hybrids. Seriously what sort of food are they giving up there? You look high on drugs?" I kept laughing to her dismay as she mumbles colorful words at me. "I'm not high on anything and stop touching me like I'm going nuts." She shove my hands away. "Maybe you are, two things first. Either you have been around the wild much that it has played tricks on your mind with the animals you've seen so far or to

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