Chapter 40

1006 Words

Chapter 44-03 I had to help them, their pain pang my heart like I was struck with a knife to my chest. I walk closer to them as they kept watching me sadly, I kneeled in between them to observe where their pain comes from but I saw no injury, my eyes trailing every inch of their fur body. They stop whimpering as I held them in comfort, I heard bones cracking as I watch in amazement till they look like my bosses again. I wasn't freaked out this time, my outstretched arms ushered them to my embrace as they came to snuggle close to me. "You're not scared of us anymore." The one with Damian's face spoke. "No, how can I be scared of what's mine.'" I see the smiles on their faces, epic. "I thought you hate us, you ran away I felt like dying." Damon's face said looking down and sad, I rose hi

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