Chapter 36

1041 Words

Chapter 40-02 "Baby girl look at me." Which she did. "You know how possessive we are of you especially with males." She nods. "That's our natural instinct of keeping those--- humans that want to take what's Ours. Those weird sounds you hear when we see them gawking at you which we fail to hide are our growls of possession. Or the fact we know everything about you is because we uhm... we stalked you at some point." Nodding in agreement till he spew the bomb snapping my head to him in alarm. "WTF!!! Are you nuts? Why the hell will you tell her that?" I growl furiously through the link. "You What!!!!!!!?" She screams. Oh s**t, we're done for. "Happy now?" "We're sorry baby girl. We just needed to keep you safe now we've found you after waiting so long." "And you couldn't act like normal

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