Chapter 26

1040 Words

Chapter 30-01 "You're telling me after you cried your eyes out on my shoulders and ruined my Versace you still have the mind to chase them out that night. Why?" Jerry ask still confused with a scowl. "Stop looking at me as if I committed a crime, I was just playing safe plus I don't trust myself alone with them." Daisy reasoned with a slight shrug. "Yeah I understand you perfectly well, you've got some fine men in your nest Daisy bear. I was almost swooned if not that I am straight I would love to tap those fine ass." He jokes fanning his face with his hands dramatically which earn a deathly glare from Daisy. "They mine Jerry never forget that, I don't like sharing so keep your thoughts to yourself." Not taking the joke as what it is. 'Hahahaha, "I'm just teasing you. At least you hav

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