Chapter 12

1182 Words

Chapter 15-01 Hmm this smells like heaven; bacon, egg and toast waft pass my nostrils. Hold on... Why does my bed feels so soft and have a masculine cologne just like my bosses scent. Sighing delightfully, If this is a dream I am not ready to wake-up yet. Groaning at the slight slight migraine building up, why does my head hurt so bad? Addy! Jakey!! Omg I saw my bosses in my dreams looking all fine and sexy in denims and polo shirts, I even danced with them and how our bodies fit in the perfect rhythm. Colls and the fight in the Club. Club! Wait! It is not a dream. It all happened last night. I bolt up from the bed. My gaze eyes the cheek surroundings all around me. "Wow. This place is beautiful but first where am I?" Clutching my head in pains mumbling the words out. "I'm so not having

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