
1758 Words
Prologue There was a crash of lightning, momentarily illuminating the dark study. The thunder that follows startled Kimberli. Nevertheless, it was the figure that emerged from the shadows that caused her body to tremble. She started to run but he was faster, he seized her with a death grip by the nape of her neck, his nails dug into her flesh. No matter the searing pain, she had to escape. If not, she was a dead woman. With inhuman strength, reserved for the criminally insane, he threw her against the large oak desk. Kimberli's spine screamed in protest as she rag-dolled to the floor. Her body was broken, yet she got on her knees; refusing to lay down and die. Get up Kimberli, she internally screamed. Frantically, she clambered to the exit. Nearly there, her fingertips grazed the doorknob. Just one more precious inch and she would've been freed, but his rough hands grabbed her ankles. With a yank, he swept her knees from beneath her. She belly-flopped onto the floor. She flipped onto her back and kicked with all her might, connecting with his face. He howled in pain, as blood trickled from his nose. He grunted a curse, before proceeding to drag her across the carpeted floor. Yet, the painful rug-burns she endured were nothing compared to the anguish of being so close to freedom, only to be denied. He straddled her, she flailed her arms, to block his hands from reaching her throat. Suddenly, she couldn't breathe. She attempted to free herself from his grasp but failed. Her vision began to wink in and out. As the storm outside raged, the night's sky was struck again, shedding light onto his face. His vacant blue eyes, which she once sought for comfort, frightened her. He stared at her with no emotional attachment, she faded into nothingness; never hearing the roar of the thunder. *** It was the first day of Kimberli Hart's senior year in high school. She sat directly behind the school bus driver, Rob. Sitting so close to the sole authority figure was a bit of a dweeb move, but Kimberli remembered how cool Rob was back in the day. Three years graduated; he was the absolute man when he went to her school. He strolled the halls like he owned the place; she was in complete awe of him. Not in the typically lustful fashion as most girls her age. No, she appreciated his kindness and carefree mannerisms. He still has that same lighthearted aura he possessed then. Nevertheless, him driving a school bus wasn't exactly him living up to his potential. "Kimberli, you look like you're a million miles away. What's on your mind, kiddo?" Rob asked. His eyes met hers in the rearview mirror. "Oh, just the same old thing. Hoping I can survive another day in captivity." Rob smirked, he replied, "Try to find the bright spots in your life the way it is, don't rush past these days. They might be the days you wish to re-live." Kimberli smiled. Sometimes, Rob was incredibly insightful. However, in this case, he was wrong. With his classic boy next door good looks and ocean-blue eyes, he was perfectly suited for life in their predominantly white town in which they lived. Kimberli, on the other hand, stood out in every way. With her chestnut-complexion and coiled natural hair, which she often wore in two flat twists, bobby-pinned in a messy bun, her appearance was different from that of her straighter-haired peers. She was an outcast, but long ago, she had made peace with that fact. Besides, she wasn't alone, Kimberli's two best friends, Jen and Tessa, were odd in their unique way. Jen was an unapologetically blunt goth girl through and through, with her dyed purple hair and a dog collar choker. She did it for attention, but no one dared to say anything to her about it. Jen could make a sailor blush with her vulgar vocabulary. Then there was sweet Tessa, with her strict religious upbringing; she appeared gullible but was always a compassionate listener. With Kimberli rounding out their crew. They were quite the odd bunch, but she wouldn't have it any other way. It wasn't long before the bus arrived at school. Kimberli got up from her seat, balancing her backpack's strap on her shoulder. "Try to have a good day. Senior year should be a blast," Rob encouraged. Kimberli offered him a small smile, before exiting the bus. She readjusted her book bag as she made her way through the pockets of students blocking her path. She managed her way to her friends, who stood near the main doors. "Kimberli, what's up, girlfriend?" Jen greeted. "Nothing. Did you drive?" "Yeah, I did. I told you I could come by to get you. Tessa and I still can't believe you opted to ride the bus." "It is out of your way. I didn't want you to waste your gas coming out to get me." "It isn't a waste if it means you wouldn't have to suffer a bus full of lower-classmen. You are a senior; last year was one thing, but now you need to get off that bus." "It isn't so bad. I talk to Rob. He's cool." The scoff Jen gave was enough to let Kimberli know just how lame she was, but she waved off the ill thought. Soon, the first bell rang. After saying goodbye to her friends, Kimberli went to her locker to exchange her unnecessary items for the ones she needed. She had spent too much time chatting, and now she had to rush to get to homeroom. As the final bell rang, she slammed the locker door shut, before taking off into a dead run. As she rounded the corner, she ran into what felt like a brick wall. She fell hard onto her butt, her book bag flung open, and an assortment of her belongings skidded across the floor. "Ouch!" Kimberli shouted. Her gaze shifted upwards to see who she had run into; standing before her was the last person anyone wanted trouble from, John -Can't touch me because I'm God's gift- Malone. Great! John Malone was an all-around egotistical ass, who got off on tormenting everyone. He was popular, as he was handsome. With his stunning blonde shoulder-length hair that he kept pulled back in a tight ponytail and an athletic physique, it was no wonder why females flocked to him. Nevertheless, it wasn't his looks alone that secured his position as the top dog of the school. John was a gifted wrestler. The accolades that lined the trophy cases of the hallways were his contribution to the school's team. John was a beast on the mat. Now, Kimberli knew how strong he was; he was immovable when she had smacked into him. Nevertheless, with all that he had going for him, he was still a bully. It was well known how he used his status as the mayor's son to his full advantage. "You should watch where you are going," he cautioned. He crossed his muscle-bound arms across his chest. The look of superiority practically radiating from him. Kimberli collected her belongings, none of which he offered to help her with, only watched her as she completed the task. As she grabbed her last book and stuffed it into her book bag, he added, "I think you owe me an apology." "Sure, I’ll get right on that," she quipped. Not bothering to hide her disdain as she briskly passed. "Wait!" Kimberli knew she should’ve continued walking, but she felt compelled to see what he wanted. She turned. "You do know who I am. Right? No one talks to me like that." There was an air of disbelief in his voice. As if he had never heard a discouraging word regarding himself. "I know exactly who you are, and you don't scare me. Sorry if I hurt your delicate feelings, but I have a class to get to," Kimberli said. Then she resumed her dash to class before he could stop her once more. At lunchtime, Kimberli was happy to be halfway through her day. She met up with Jen and Tessa. Kimberli settled at the table but had forgotten to grab ketchup packets. She went back to the concession stand; upon heading back to her table, she heard a commotion across the room. She turned to see none other than John Malone harassing Tyler Hall, a scrawny classmate who was half of John's size. Kimberli frowned, she didn't like it, but it wasn't her fight. She proceeded to make her way to her table when, suddenly, Tyler tripped and fell directly in her path. Instinctively, she bent down to see if he was okay. This garnered the attention of the bullies, led by John. "Well-well, we meet again," John said. With his signature confident smirk etched upon his face. His eyes regarded Kimberli with an odd glint. "Do you have to show how big of an asshole you are by pushing others around?" Kimberli questioned. "Look who's talking. You nearly ran me over today. I don't remember you being so caring with me as you are now with him." Kimberli paused. If she wasn't mistaken, he sounded wounded, or even jealous. "You don't need my kindness. I'm sure you can find plenty of other girls to show you affection, but it isn't here with me," Kimberli countered. His friends, oohs-and-aahs, indicated the effectiveness of her quip, but she busied herself with helping Tyler to his feet. "Thanks," Tyler said in a hushed voice. Then he hurried off. She couldn't blame him. By that time, the entire cafeteria was gawking. Kimberli started to move towards her lunch table once more, but John intercepted. "What do you want now?" She questioned. "You have a funky attitude. Do you know that?" John stated. "I'm the one with a funky attitude? You're the one who's beating up people." He stepped into her personal space, she attempted to back away, but he grabbed her by the wrist. His rough touch against her delicate skin caused a strange tremble to pulsate through her. He stepped closer and whispered for her ears only. "You are lucky you are beautiful because your attitude sucks ass," he said. Then he sauntered off, giving Kimberli no time to respond. Kimberli walked over to her friends in an utter state of confusion. "What was that about?" Tessa and Jen asked in unison. "John Malone thinks I'm beautiful."
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