Chapter Six-2

2003 Words

“Altuna is slightly under three hundred feet overall, two hundred, ninety-nine meters, which doesn’t put us in the same class as the sultans’ and sheiks’ boats, but we hang in there with Larry Ellison and Steven Spielberg’s personal yachts. Our ability to handle two helicopters and store them below is unique, for example. Our diving shop and equipment would rival Cousteau’s and, thanks to Mister Norquist’s genius, our technology exceeds anything available elsewhere, military or civilian.” “Impressive,” Jean said. “Yet, the boat doesn’t appear to be that big.” “It’s an interesting design illusion,” Ingram said, sounding a bit like she was reading a script. “Part of the original design was to give her a low key appearance and to fit in with other vessels in most ports. Note, for example, t

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