Chapter 5

1736 Words

5 WILLOW Mother. Fucker. I’d just stripped out of my clothes to take a shower after my date with Markle, and the asshole was knocking on my door again. Seriously? I didn’t play up the yawning and I’m-so-tired thing at the end of the date enough? I even let the asshole have a kiss before he left me at the door. Denying him that would have hurt my investigation. But even on assignment, I needed to clock out. Sure, I was pretending to be Natalie Shefield, but it was harder pretending to like Jett Markle. The date had gone fine. I didn’t learn much about him of importance, even though he barely shut up the entire time. He had nine hundred acres and planned to build a stable to stud horses. He’d also just purchased a bull to inseminate his cows. When he’d said that, he’d raised a brow, as i

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