Chapter 25

2287 Words

Alice’s POV   To have finally found Him. He is my God on this earth, my holy representative of all I desire. Tall, strong, so masculine I catch my breath. I mustn't look directly at Him, so I gaze from lowered lids as He sweeps towards me. He is oblivious to my discreet stare, I know that in His minds’ eye He has visions to send us both to Hell. And I adore Him all the more for it. I follow, having finally submitted fully to this hideous angelic being, who brings me highest ecstasy through acts of abomination. I wear a pale corset, chosen specially for it's colour. How pretty cream is against the crimson red of my blood! But it is superfluous, window dressing and not important. Not so His outfit, however. The starched white dog collar is striking against the blackest black of his robe

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