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June 11, 2002 The mind link came so quickly, I didn’t have time to even understand what he was saying. “We’re under attack!” Maximillian said, “please get you and the baby to safety” “Beloved, I couldn’t reach you.” I strain and scream through yet another contraction. “Ame, my love, the ambush came on so suddenly. I didn’t want to worry you.” He answered. “I went into labor 30 minutes ago.” I replied. Dr. Viceroy says push and in what seems like years, I hear the soft wailing of my beautiful daughter. “She’s here. Max, she’s here and she’s beautiful!” The Doctor hands her to me and again she starts to make a fuss. “Temper, temper, my little one!”, I coo at the baby. “Max, she’s perfect!” I know that he’s busy, but I also know that he can hear me and I feel the swell of pride swelling up through our bond. “I wish I was there with you both now. The front gate, was overrun with rogues and we've just about…”, he paused. “No, it can’t be, goddess help us all. Vampires, Ame, run!” It was the last thing I heard before I felt my heart shudder and stop while still beating. My husband, my mate, my beloved was dead, and I, minutes from giving birth, lay unable to fully defend myself. I spotted an Omega, carrying a small child and called for my 3 guards. “Quickly, help me to my feet!” “But, Majesty, you are unwell.” One of the guards said. “And if we stay here like this, the Royal Family dies. Help me!” They all bow and 2 support me and help me to move deeper into our royal chamber. I look to the Omega, “What is your name?” She looks at me and answers, “Valencia Hale, majesty. “And your child?” I ask. “Nicholi. Nicholi after his father.” “Valencia Hale, do you so solemnly swear by all that is holy to the goddess of the moon that you will guard my daughter and treat her as your own? To raise her and young Nicholi, as equals and siblings, until the time shall come to reveal her true identity?” With a straight back and a clear voice, Valencia answers, “I do so swear to do.” I hand her a satchel, and the birth letter awarded by the doctor. “All of the account information is here, and everything she will need to reclaim our home, guard it and them with your life.” I say to the guards, “Take the north passage and get them off this island. But head northwest once you make it to Argyle Forest. You must get to the Crowned Paw Pack. They must live! Now go!” One of the guards asked, “But what about you majesty? You are the Crowned Queen the of Emerald Isle; we should get you to safety as well!” I walk to my mirror and sit at my vanity, “My mate has been murdered, my kingdom is being ravaged by leeches and rogues, and I am the hope of my people too weak to fight back, but I will not run! Temperance is the future and must be saved and I will only slow you down. Now go before it is too late. Remember what has happened here and what I have said.” I pause and open the door through my wardrobe sending them into the passages underneath the isle. “Go and don’t look back!” Once I am sure that they’re gone, I retake my seat and begin to brush out my hair. Tears threaten to spill from my eyes as I feel the c*****e that is tearing through the castle. “Moon Goddess, save as many as you can and spare my kingdom. Please get my daughter and her new family to safety.” I hear my door open and turn to see my enemies. I am taken aback when I come face to face with the cause of our calamity but not entirely shocked when I consider all he's done already. “I see that your treachery knows no bounds Valor Rolf. First, you murder your own parents in cold blood and now you show up to the seat of the kingdom carried along a leash by leeches like a good dog!” Valor scoffs, “You b***h!” “Proudly, but that’s more than I can ever say about you!” I spit. “Enough of this.” The Vampire speaks looking around, “where is the baby?” Valor finally notices, and c***s his head to inquire, “Where is she? Where have you hidden her? We've killed or subdued everyone and everything in this castle, if you don’t tell me, she will die!” raising his eyebrow, “and you wouldn’t want that, now, would you?” smirking. “You go to hell!” I reply. Valor runs to me in seconds grabbing me by my neck, “Ladies first!” he taunts. As I am choking, another person comes in. He looks familiar but struggling to breathe, I couldn’t place him. “Valor, that’s no way to treat a royal, let alone one as lovely as this!” He places his hand on his forearm and I am immediately dropped. “I do apologize for the behavior of my acquaintance, but it would seem that you have something of great importance to me, your majesty and I would like to acquire it sooner rather than later. Where is the baby?” I have heard that voice before; where have I heard that voice before, I ponder? They’re all silent, awaiting a response, as I search my mind trying to place the man before me. I glance up and look at him fully and then it falls into place. “Viktor Chankov, you really should pick better acquaintances than murderers, traitors, and cowards. I would expect more from a royal son of Ivan.” “Well, Your Highness, you know what they say, you are what you eat!” he chuckles. “Did you kill everyone in the castle?” I ask. Valor answers, “Everyone we believed posed a threat!” he retorts. I reach out to soothe the hearts of my people still there. I search them through the link and assure them that though it looks bleak right now, there shall be a dawn! And then I feel the presences that I have been searching for and bid them sound the alarms and alert the packs, Valor Rolf has turned enemy of the state and has shepherded Viktor Chankov through our doors. Prepare for war! DEATH BEFORE DESPAIR No sooner than my eyes clear from the mind link, I am met with a vicious right hand across my face; the force of which stuns me, knocking me off of my settee. “I do tire of your insolence, Asmerelda! We will not ask you again, where is the baby?” Valor crows. “Why, no longer able to salute to make children of your own, pathetic little man!” I say wiping the blood from the corner of my mouth. Before he can strike me again, Viktor laughs and tries to defuse the conversation. “That was quite amusing, majesty” he says with a chuckle and then drops his smile, “however, we really are running out of patience. Where is the child?” he demands. “All of this death; all of this chaos, and for what? What was the purpose of attacking my kingdom? Our kingdoms have lived in peace these last thousand years, and you openly risked war? Why Viktor? Why this sudden interest in my child?” I ask genuinely. “It only means war if there is someone left to wage it, and as it stands, the king is dead, you are here, and all of your warriors are either dead, subdued, or dare I give you hope, escaped. Though I assure you, my men were thorough, and none escaped.” He paused thoughtfully, “And as far as your child is concerned, the minute I get it, if it’s a girl, she shall become a breed mare for my army or a stud if it’s a boy.” Laughing to himself he adds, “Why, the possibilities are positively endless with a royal, even dead, their blood would be invaluable.” “I'd sooner die than allow you anywhere near my child!” I scream. “As you wish, your majesty!” Valor rushes to my side, but is thwarted again by Viktor. Angrily he snarls, “Don’t forget yourself, Chankov, I am not one of your flunkies.” Viktor waves him off, “And I am not a part of the pound. Our deal was a royal child for the crown, and here we are. I have delivered upon my end of this arrangement, but you have yet to fulfill your end!” “I would be able to if you would stop coming to that b***h's defense!” he yells. “And how is killing her going to produce the child? Shall you impregnate her again and have me wait over her rotting corpse?” Viktor chides. “Not kill,” sulks Valor than smirks, “maim or seriously injure!” “As much as I am assured of your persuasive abilities, I am not so certain that your particular style of persuasion will be enough to achieve what we are after.” Viktor says stalling, “however, I did not come here to leave empty handed.” His eyes now glowing red as he advances towards me. “Majesty,” he smiles his cold, sinister smile “I shall have my prize!” He pierced me with his cold gaze and though he cannot completely hypnotize me, his gaze, in my current condition, is enough to unnerve me. I have heard of the horrors that have come from being bled by them. The unholy things they make you do and feel and believe as they drain you of your blood, of your very life’s essence. But I must not give in. If My kingdom, my family, my child is to survive, I must not succumb to this master of darkness. I blink back the fog that is trying to cloud my mind as I feel his breath on my skin. My body gets too hot as I feel his tongue against the pulse of my neck. I moan and whimper as I feel my resolve flicker. We have only one chance I tell my wolf. I strain to hear the report from the neighboring packs in response to my alert. They are coming to retake the castle and the king of Vampires has been summoned to answer for his wayward offspring, but not in time to save me, for if I live, Temperance will surely be found, and that I cannot risk. I squirm in my seat, creating a smile upon the face of my tormentor, and reach beneath my settee. A single star, but it is enough. With a single motion, I swipe across Viktor’s face and aim for Valor who is upon me in a second. He snaps my neck before Viktor has a chance to even register what happens, and I smile as I slide to the ground and release my last breath. “Be safe my, darling!” BROKEN BANDS It’s been three days. Three days of running, hiding, arguing, searching, and grieving. When we made it out of the hidden passageway, Malcom, the Queen’s Royal Guard, spurred us to press further. Reminding us of our orders and the direness of our mission. Two days ago, however, the five of us felt one of our worst nightmares come to pass, the death of the king and queen. The princess’ gut-wrenching cry, lasted for hours on end before her little voice gave out. We were sure that everything in the known universe heard her, but her reaction mirrored our own, as we felt the passing of the queen. And now three days later, we seem to be lost and running short on patience. “I don’t trust him!” Hazel my wolf said. “And his wolf has been agitated and unusually closed off.” She says as Owen comes yet again to try to relieve me of the princess. “I know you must be exhausted, Vale. You have been carrying and nursing the two of them for three days now. I just want to help.” Owen says with a nervous smile. “I assure you, Owen, I’m fine.” I smile back. “It seems fate has decided to give me a hand learning how to care for them together.” “And I don’t doubt that you will be a great mother. Why, just look at little Nicky.” He says smiling down at Nicholi, “but two children at once, is a strain on most alphas, I shudder to think how one lone omega will cope.” Hazel snarls and before I can stop her she answers and says, “I would say that I shall manage just fine once we reach our destination. Which is where, do you know?” He looks offended and starts to advance just as the others make their way back. He glares at me and walks to help them with the supplies. We have been pitched in the woods of goddess knows where for the last forty-eight hours, and the delay has been the heated discussion amongst my companions. “I see that you've caught a deer. I’m pretty sure Vale wouldn’t mind preparing dinner.” Owen begins trying to drum support. “In case you haven’t noticed, she’s been preparing dinner and breakfast and lunch for 2 since we've started this little trek. I think she’s doing more than her part.” Malcom chides. “So, what does that leave, Derrick to man the spoon again? I'd rather starve.” Owen complains. “That’s your choice.” Derrick states and then adds, “If you have a problem with my cooking, quit your belly aching, get your ass up, and cook it your damn self.” Taken aback, Owen stammers, “Jeez, what’s got you so touchy?” “Just shut up, Owen!” Malcom commands. After dinner, they try again to plot another course to Crown Paw, but as usual, Owen finds a reason to try to dissuade us from traveling straight to our destination. Tired and obviously worn from the constant bickering, I suggest that we table it and get a fresh perspective in the morning. Everyone agrees and the men settle down for their rounds of watch for the night. Though I’m tired, Hazel will not rest, for some reason, something clearly has her riled up. Around three, I realize what it is. I hear a twig snap in the distance from my camp spot where the children are, and I remain perfectly still but fully alert. Hazel and I can smell his stench and the blood of the others dripping from him. He’s still in his wolf form, and though injured and weary from having to fight the other guards, Dax, Owen’s wolf is slowly creeping upon me and the children. “We only have one shot at this Hazel” I tell her. “I know, but he just messed with the wrong momma!” she fumes. He comes closer and sniffs to see which child is Nicholi and which is Temperance and leans over to try to confirm his target. With everything we can muster, Hazel and I shift and latch ahold of his throat and thrash, ripping his throat out. Three hours later, as dawn approaches, we are headed west towards the sun, alone with no idea where we are. The Road to Relief I travel three more days in the woods until I come to a small cottage that has clearly been abandoned. There is no water or food and there’s just as much wildlife inside as it is outside, but it is a sign. We’re closer to somewhere that will give me some bearings as to where I am. Cautiously, I continue walking and I hear the faint sounds of cars passing. I know that we’re nearing a road and where there’s a road there’s civilization. Temperance has been eating healthily and because of her royal bloodline, is almost as big as Nicholi, making it almost believable for them to pass as fraternal twins. Though she’s only days old and Nicholi weeks, they have bonded like true siblings, and he's already so protective of her. I advance towards the road, hoping to see a sign or highway marker, or anything that could tell me where we are. Nothing, just road as far as the eye can see in both directions. I sniff both directions trying to pick up a scent other than nature, tarmac, and exhaust fumes, and catch a faint whiff of grease like from a fast-food eatery. Walking further towards the north, I see discarded food wrappers and other debris. I smell again and detect the odor of human but no other wolves. With my children strapped to me and a new found determination, I trudge forward to find a reprieve from the events of the last week and to assess our current situation as it is. I find a little city nestled in the woods. It has some of the amenities of the city but still holds all the lushness of nature and though it is ladles with humans, it screams wolves. But we can’t turn back now. I see a diner next to an inn and decide to go inside. “Sugar, can I help you?” A brunette in her forties asks. “Our car was run off the road several days ago, and we've been wandering through the woods searching for somewhere, anywhere. My husband didn’t make it and I just need a place to gather my thoughts and catch my bearing.” I lie. “Oh, you poor thing. Well look here, you’re currently in Dove Springs and it would be my pleasure if you'd come in and have a seat. My daughter will go out back and get a room made up for you at the inn and I’ll bring you a pin to put your kids in so that you can eat a hot meal.” She paused, “I know you must be starving.” “Thank you for your kindness, but I can’t accept…” I begin “Oh, pish posh. I am not about to let a young mother of twins, who has been through such traumatic events have another worry.” She states matter of factly. “Now just sit down there and take a load off. Would you prefer coffee or tea?” she asks. “Coffee" I smile, “and thank you.” “Ana. My name is Ana.” And on what seems to be an unheard echo I hear, “And you are welcomed here bearer of our greatest treasure!” I pause, not sure of what I have heard or what has just happened, but say, “Valencia, but you can call me Vale.” “Well Vale, welcome to the Red Moon Inn at Dove Springs.” “Where exactly is that?” I question. “Why smack dab in the middle of my Coven, nestled to the northeast of the Emerald Isle.” She states. My jaw drops. “You…you know what I am?” She laughs, “Uh huh, picked it up as soon as you walked through the door.” “But, wait, you’re not a wolf.” I say and she smiles and begins to glow right before my eyes and that’s when I smell it. “You're a witch?” I ask hurriedly. “Uh huh. Anastasia Pink, at your service.” She announces. “Why does that name sound so familiar?” I ask Hazel. “I don’t know but I can tell that she’s powerful.” Hazel answers. “To answer your question, Vale. I am the Queen Mother of Red Moon Coven and seer of the light. I knew of your travels long before you knew you were pregnant and I knew of your sacrifices. So, I made it my business to be here to help you as much as I can without offending fate or the powers that be.” She explains. “So, you can help me to get to Crown Paw?” I ask curiously. “No, but when the time comes, you won’t need it. For now, just rest and take safety here. There are still dangers aloft and I would feel better knowing that you and the princess are safe.” She looks down smiling. I’m stunned. “How did you know? The only ones who knew the identity and s*x of the heir of the throne were the king and queen, myself and my three companions, and the doctor and his nurse who deliver her that horrible night, and most of them are dead.” I ask. “As I stated, I knew of the events unfolding well before you even knew you had a part to play. Just know that for now, you three are safe and you and your babies, have a nice, warm, clean place to rest.” Turning to grab what looks like a plate of food she says, “and I have taken the liberty to see to it that you all have some fresh and clean clothes sent up to your room. Hot water does better to wash off the stress of weary travels, don’t you think?” An hour and a half later, I have gotten the kids bedded down and have stepped into the shower to was off the grit, grime, and gunk of living in the woods for almost a week. “Hazel" I call, “do you think that we’re really safe here?” “Not indefinitely, but as she stated,” she sighs, “for now, yes.” She answers. “What should we do? We are obviously not anywhere near Crown Paw.” “No, if memory serves me correctly, we are and have been heading in the wrong direction.” She points out. “Where do you think Owen was trying to lead us?” I ask her. “Well, if we truly are in Red Mood, we are located near the Mystic Moonlight Pack, but also, the vampire kingdom dwell beyond their borders.” She hesitates briefly, “My money is on the blood suckers!” “But why? What could they possibly want with her? They can’t love her.” I exclaim. “No, they can’t and I don’t plan on finding out.” Hazel replies. “And what about Ana? Can we trust her?” I ask. But Hazel sighs and simply responds, “Owen was a king's guard; the treachery was in the king's own house. I honestly don’t know who we can trust, but, as of right now, Vale, we don’t have a choice but to trust her.” I finish my shower and dry and dress. I climb into the bed with the kids. Though cribs have been provided, I can’t risk them being so far away. Slowly, I close my eyes and try to rest.
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