Cheasing or Blaming

820 Words
"I can't believe the number of love bite marks on my neck " reflected in the mirror. "I couldn't forget that night, and I don't have any regrets about it." I smiled. If only he had left his contact information, so I could reach out to take responsibility. It has been four days since Jay left for another a date with his so-called soulmate, leaving me to take care of the children of the Niki army force. I can't wait to see Sunno again since... I asked Niki how many children he planning to have, reminding him that we have our own lives to live and can't look after his kids forever. He replied, "Hyung, I did nothing, but it keeps happening because I am dealing with Jake hyung's sister, my wifey, you know." He paused for moment and continued "Only two of them are capable of continuing the family's lineage, as they are dangerous in bed." He laughed. When Sunghoon asked who had made them, Niki replied, 'Of course, it was their parents'." After taking a rest, Niki said, "I think you can leave now. I will take care of them as they are all my good kids." "Are you going to be okay on your own?" he asked, double-checking that he was actually free. "Yes since my wifey is coming home as early" he said happily looking at his phone while the kids was sleeping peacefully. "Ok, than I will get going, byebye." He left as soon as possible to chase after that motherfucker who has been avoiding him non stop. For god sake what reason he been continuingly to put some distance between them. With the help of Jungwon's offer, it took a few days to locate him. Eventually, I managed to trap him by placing my leg between him so that he couldn't run away. "So... sweet heart... After taking my V card where do you think you can run off too." Sunoo ignored him like a stone. But Sunghoon was enraged and forcefully kissed him. Finch felt no emotion toward him and just stood there. After he done kissing him he felt been dump by him without a words exchange. What could cause him to act like that and why he left me once again... "BTW, How did you know I was here." He crossed his arms and looked at him. His brown hazy eyes locked onto mine, but I sensed he was shooting arrows behind my back. "Do you hate me more than that magazine in your hand where I can see myself posing?" He concealed it, but he remained trapped there. Why was he cheasing after him, he could ignore it and think of it as one night stand ""I know what you're thinking, but I won't give up like I did before." Sunno avoided eye contact but repeatedly locked eyes with him. ""You know, keeping me locked in one place is not getting us anywhere, can you back off ." He gently pushes him, so he can be free. "Remember, when I got you a flower last time, you ran away as if I was a monster... I wanted to talk with you, but it seems like you don't want me around. I'm feeling terrible right now and have a lot on my mind." He cupped Sunghoon's face and said, "It's not what you think. It's just because of me you lost your family... I... I was the one who..." He meets his gaze directly at his expression... Sunghoon placed his finger on his lips and hugged him tightly. "I know, but we never blamed you. It was his fault for harming your family." "Are you saying that he deserves to be killed by me during the summer?" He just nodded. It was never easy for Sunno to deal with the situation. He blames himself as well as he blames Sunghoon's family, since they are... You know what I am, but you still desire me. "I think I want to be alone..." This is giving me a headache. After he said that, the rain started to pour non-stop. But Sunghoon didn't move. That was the first time, since he was young, that he had seen such a painful expression on Sunno's face. Before he came to his senses, it was too late. He was gone... "Even after you're dead, I can't believe I was too afraid to help him because of fear of losing my mother..." He cried because he knew they never go back as before. "He just wanted talk with him but how did it turn out like this?" Jungwon expressed his uncertainty about how to assist his brother-in-law. Jay and Jungwon missed a lot of drama while hiding to see him cry even more. "Just leave him be, we will talk about this matter later" He grabbed Jungwon's hand and walked away from his crying friend. To be continue
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