10|| Jealous Dance

2074 Words

.ELRISTEYA. I might have heard wrong. Or is it my ears that heard it wrong? Alec just spoke to me... And he insulted me too. My lips parted in shock as I stared at him, words could not form in my mouth. Lestiana chuckled quietly and I cut her a glare. Really? “Hey, boy. You just told my sister that she was ugly.” Joe reprimanded him and still, he pursed his lips. Alec cleared his throat and said. “Her dress is short and exposing.” If I was shocked before, I am even more stunned now to say anything. I gulped softly and waited for him to say something to take that back but he did not. He avoided my gaze and I finally let out a snort. “What I wear is none of your business so keep your compliment to yourself.” I said to him and he gave me a blank look. Pulling open the car’s door, I

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