22|| Who Is Kayden?

2147 Words

.ELRISTEYA. “Did you hear?” I heard someone whisper as I slammed the door to my locker shut. “What?” Came the reply. “Kayden is coming back.” The feminine voice said, carrying a hint of excitement and fear. “What?!” I whirled around to the place with widened eyes and parted lips. Really? Kayden was coming back to school? Wow! Actually Kayden happened to be my long time crush and he has never noticed me which hurt quite a little. I strained my ears to listen to more. “Yes, I read it on the school cruise group chat.” The person said and instantly, I fished out my phone. When last did I check the school cruise group? I clicked on the school’s group icon and the hashtag #kaydenisback filled everywhere. I scrolled through the messages and saw that Kayden was yet to drop an official mes

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