Does she deserve to die?

3562 Words

IVANA: -My Supreme Qy sentimental, pretending to bring back my niece Anna, harboring her in the house next to my son is not right, especially since we know that the mad and ruthless Sigrid will come looking for her and for sure she will murder my beloved Armet in revenge. I understand you perfectly, dear Inov, but I have to get the Omega out of here, she has caused serious problems, the death of my daughter-in-law and her puppies, the death threat to one of my son's Omegas, Ivonne, and her disappearance, and a few days ago, the confrontation she and I had, I cannot allow a member of my pack to dare look me in the eye and then dare to challenge me. -But that's absurd my queen, Anna is a poor Omega without power or worth. -I know, I'm sure it was a trick of Sigrid's to scare me, but th

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