Convincing Anna

2453 Words

ANNA: In the midst of everything, Myrian has been very nice to me, he looks happy for my union with Sigrid, it is possible that he has a feeling for Sigrid, but it is natural, many women for sure are in love with him. I like my dress, the flower headdress is very beautiful, and the shoes are lined with the same fabric as the dress. I hope they don't delay them, I want to walk with them and feel them soft and comfortable. Saturday night I must be the most beautiful woman at the ball, I will tell David to come and do my hair and make-up. The rings Sigrid must take them to Dimitri today, they must fulfill the rite of marriage and fusion, otherwise it will bring us only misfortune. -Miss Anna, our housekeeper Marcia, has been looking for you since this morning. -Where can I find her? -I

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