Poor Ivana

1206 Words

EIRIK: "I won't allow you to talk to me like that, Paul, I understand your pain and helplessness, but things are not going to be solved here. But now, let's finish the joust we have prepared, and tomorrow we will talk about your losses, which are also mine and Anna's responsibility in my wife's case, and I make it clear to you that I am neither a puppet nor spineless. I am impartial and leave justice in the hands of our judges. That is their job, not mine. "Bjorn, take your mother and Dimitri away immediately; please, let's continue. SIGRID: Nice try dear brothers, bringing the mother in this state to make a fool of Anna and me in front of the other alphas in the packs, but it didn't work for them, they will have to swallow their pride and envy and leave this matter for another time.

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