Bad Rumors.

2118 Words

Bad rumors. NADIA: -It is impossible that what you are telling me, Catherine, there must be a mistake in all of this; Anna does not have the strength nor the power to become a ferocious wolf capable of tearing out the heart of anyone, let alone a rival as powerful as Ivana. -I think it was Sigrid who attacked her. Who was there? -Some Alphas and Betas, three or four Omegas, but they say that Eirik himself tried to stop Ivana from confronting Anna, but she did not listen to him. Sigrid was present, but at no time did she attack Ivana. What is happening? How is it possible that Anna has now developed her lycanthrope instinct, that she manages to bring out her inner wolf and also develop so much strength to win the contest with Ivana? This is the work of Dimitri's oracle. I have told

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