
1352 Words

MIA: "My beloved Rudolph, last night I spoke with Anna; she agrees with our union, and she wants it to happen as soon as possible. We will wait for her and Sigrid's return. In the meantime, let's organize a small meeting to celebrate. I also want to tell you, Anna has a special request. She wants us to live in her apartment, she is against me living in the temple with you and Dimitri." "How lucky we are, my beautiful little bee. I understand Anna's request; women cannot live in a temple except for the oracle's wife, but I will remain Dimitri's faithful omega; when he needs me, I must be at his disposal." "And you, have you told Dimitri about our plans?" "No, I have not had the right time for it; what happens is that he is very busy with the Supreme and his brother, they are organizing

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