The New Alpha.

2365 Words

SIGRID: The entrance to the club is crowded. Could it be that another event is going on? My beautiful b***h looks very nervous, and that's not good, her hands are sweating, and she squeezes my hand every time we get closer to the hall. From far away, I see my brothers. There are the four of them, dressed the same, with the same hairstyle, and each one with his awkward face, different from the other three, it's not uncommon to find them next to their dominant mother, they don't know what to do or what to say when they're not next to her, the four of them keep looking at her as if she were their goddess. My father is about to sit on his throne, and Ivana is imitating him. She looks a little disheveled, hahaha, it must be because David could not, be with her, and her faithful servant Marc

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