The Winner

1104 Words

ANNA: "So? "What have you found out, Mia? Where are they meeting, tell me. "They have just left the temple, it seems they are going to the house of one of the council members. Rudolph heard that they were going to the home of the advisor of the Warrior Bears Pack. He doesn't know more, but I have another piece of news for you, not very good. Rudolph told me that Ivonne appeared hanged in her room. Two days after your visit, my beloved Rudolph stopped harassing her. He took her food and provided for her basic needs. Yesterday at dawn, she hanged herself from a beam with the sheet of her bed. When Rudolph went to get her breakfast, he found her lifeless. "By the gods, Sigrid already knows? "This was a bad premonition for him. Besides the mess we could get into, what did Dimitri say? "I

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