
1223 Words

SIGRID: My father presides at the table, I sit at the opposite end, it's supposed to be Paul's place as Alpha of his pack, but I am the Prince, the eldest son of Supreme Alpha Gamma. My brother Bjorn is the first to speak, he demands an exemplary punishment for me, his red injected eyes and his nose snorting justice make him look furious but weak, he can never have the strength and decision required to challenge a man like me. I look at him calmly and find it impossible not to smile at his plea. My other brothers try to support him, especially Erik, Ivana and my father's first child, he feels he has more rights than his brothers, including me, he slams the table hard and defies me, calling me a bastard and a murderer, he asks my father to banish me from the pack and send me back to N

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