Chapter 20

1263 Words

ANNA: The sage offers us a drink and after drinking it we go back the same way we came, the touch of the blouse makes me see little stars of a thousand colors, Sigrid is very quiet, absent I would say, she brings the amulet in her hand, the sage was emphatic in warning that I can use it only when a lycanthrope possesses me and is my partner. Once we get to our room Sigrid leaves me alone, she takes the amulet with her. I try to sleep but the burning in my skin is getting stronger, I look at myself in the mirror, the mark is very clear, Sigrid's initials with her two surnames, the gothic lettering makes the mark look elegant, worthy of the royal house, surely when the skin deflates and the red around it disappears, I will be left with a perfectly well crafted mark that will force me to

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