The Letter

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LILIAN: What could this silly girl want? I have never liked Anna. At school, she was a simple girl who let the others make fun of her; she always hid behind her cousin Armet; she took refuge in him and seemed to be in love with the capricious young man. She dressed severely, her hair was untidy, and although she was a good student, she never excelled. Now she wants to meet me, she was not even able to give me condolences for the death of my beloved Alphons. Pretending to meet her in such an elegant and crowded place is not what pleases me; let her come home and tell me what she wants but on my grounds. "Will she come? Do you think she'll dare come to our house to ask you who knows what nonsense? "It seems so, Catherine. She is brave; she must know that you live with us now. Besides,

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